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  1. DaVinci Well-Known Member

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    Mathematical proof that women are evil:

    First we state that women require time and money:
    women= time x money

    And as well all know "time is money":
    time= money

    women= money x money = (money)^2

    And because "money is the root of all evil":
    money= sqrt(evil)

    women= sqrt(evil)^2

    Hence we are forced to conclude that: WOMEN=EVIL.
  2. Cameron Well-Known Member

    Da Vinci

    I like the code, but it is flawed. :morning:

    It is not 'money that is the root of all evil' but 'the love of money.'

    Lets take a podiatric example - if money is the root of all podiatric biomechanics , then the love of money or the e-constant, is the reason why bespoke devices cost so much. ;)

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