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    I had a patient present today complaining of forefoot pain, here are the shoes he's been running in. I kid you not, some of that worn foam was about 1mm thick.

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  2. Jonix Active Member

    He's gonna have a hard time when he transitions to a new pair..
  3. Peter1234 Active Member

    seriously looks like he has taken a grinder to the sole...maybe to shock you !
  4. Jonix Active Member

    Simon, any follow up? lol
  5. RobinP Well-Known Member

    The startlingly low deductive powers of some patients fascinate me.

    If my shoes were that worn on the bottom and I had forefoot pain, the first thing to cross my mind would NOT be"better go see me a podiatrist"

    How many times have you seen a patient for review complaining that their orthotics are uncomfortable and they have them on the wrong foot when you examine them. Would you not think just to try it? It takes 2 seconds to swap them over and give it quick whirl but no! Wait 5 weeks to come into clinic and complain about the length of time it has taken to get said very valuable appointment then complain when it becomes clear you are a moron and that the orthotics should have right and left written on them.

    Gosh....sorry, got a bit carried away there
  6. Robin:

    Here is what I've always wanted to do in this case....take the orthoses out of the shoes....walk back to the grinder....grind something very loudly....like a piece of metal....but don't do anything to the orthoses....then walk back into the room.....put the left orthosis into the left shoe....and the right orthosis into the right shoe......it's amazing what that Dr. Kirby can do with a grinder!:rolleyes:
  7. Used to play a similar game when I ran the lab at Plymouth School of Podiatry. A patient would complain about their insoles, I'd walk into the machine room, turn on all of the grinders, spin around three times on the spot, walk out without touching the orthoses to the grinder and miraculously the orthoses were now comfortable. Some of my ex-students, i.e. Little Dave AKA Mark Dave Smith will verify this- I used to have a name for it, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was?
  8. Athol Thomson Active Member

    These are running shoes from a lad with ERLP that was subsequently diagnosed as a tibial stress fracture.

    His Mum is a sports Doctor. You never look after family members!

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