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Supermarket Loyalty Cards

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by Disgruntled pod, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. Disgruntled pod

    Disgruntled pod Active Member

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    As a separate thread, to the Sainsburys and chiropody, I thought that I would start another thread.

    A patient that I treated on Thursday said to me that loyalty/reward cards are a revenue making idea. Everything that we buy on them is logged and they look for trends in what people are buying. They then know which products to have at half price or BOGOF, to "get you through the door" and which products to have at a more expensive price (without us realsing it). That way, in the end they make more money/profit!

    I just wander if Sainsburys may introduce a system, have you feet done here and get a discount voucher for your shopping, or vice versa!
  2. Craig Payne

    Craig Payne Moderator

    I can't speak for the UK situation, but here all large retailers have their loyality cards. If they did offer a podiatry service (like Sainsbury) and I doubt they would here, then any purchases made in the store would go on the loyality card and benefit the 'patient' in a way those in their own small business's can not match,
  3. cornmerchant

    cornmerchant Well-Known Member

    Hi guys

    While I see that overall these loyalty cards can result in extra business, I am far more worried that all my living habits are being scrutinised- its not just what I put in my trolley, it is what time of day I shop, where I shop, how much petrol I am using, whether I pay with cash or credit card, etc etc . That gives the supermarket the data they need to pass on to other companies probably at a lucrative fee, so that third parties can then start to target you.

    The deals that are offered on the strength of this information are dangling carrots- beware the deeper implications!

    As far as podiatry in supermarkets goes , would the appeal of a few points on your card really influence your decision with regards to a provider? I would hope not, but there is nowt so strange as folk as they say!

  4. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    That is already done at the checkout where your bill is analysed routinely ,which results in the regular change around of products in the store so the most popular are at the back resulting in you having to walk right through the store to get what you want ( browsing all the time) and yes with the smells of the hot chicken and bread being blown at you by strategically placed blowers to make you think food and buy more.

  5. davidh

    davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran

    Why do you not think this is already happening globally with pretty much every Credit Card purchase you make?

    Maybe you do - I agree with you BTW.
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