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  1. chris burden Member

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    Hi, can anyone help? I need to find a mentor for 30 days to help me renew my registration with the HPC in the UK, which has lapsed over 2 years ago. I have been doing some voluntary work in India, but as the time scale is over 2 years since I was registered, I have to go through a process of back to practice.
    Does anyone know, where I can get a job for 15 days as a Podiatry assistant, to cover the clinical aspect? Any knowledge about courses to fill up the remaining 15 days would be welcome news. The Somerset area would be handy. thanks chris burden
  2. twirly Well-Known Member

    Hi Chris,

    Just so you don't feel unloved & neglected as we haven't said :welcome: yet.

    You have jumped in with both feet & started posting a while ago now so a belated :welcome: coming your way.




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