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    Hi All, I may be opening a can of worms here but Ill go there.

    I have recently started a private practice. We have reasonably low patient fees and I have low overheads. I billed a 004 and a 118 and gave the patient a $50 discount. I did see the patient for an hour and have kept thorough notes about my treatments. Is this practice legal?? I want to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm assuming if I charge reasonable (non-exorbitant) fees and choose to give a discount that's ok?

    I don't intend to be offering the gap free orthotics I just want to make sure I'm getting my patients a decent rebate and doing the "right" thing.

    I have spoken to BUPA about other issues and have been hung up on twice after being transferred to 3 different people and generally given the advice that costs them the least. I notice that my association is quite associated with the pods that run the get a pair of orthotic free/assessment free type of practice value at xxx$$ so I'm not convinced.

    I have noticed that there is an increase in the "come in for this assessment valued at $250
    (that's really regularly $75) and it will be "gap" free".
    I feel strongly that this is going down the road of used car salesmen. What's being done about this? or am I just misguided and its ok? Its hard to compete with the advertising and promotion around these "specials".

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