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  1. boxer Member

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    Hi everyone
    Wondering if anyone out there in private land takes part in running diabetes education groups through a medical centre etc. and how do you go about billing for this? Charge each client/bill medical centre separately for your time? I believe Medicare funds DNE's for this but don't think pod is included.

    Thanks for your help
  2. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Does anyone do any group work? If so how is this paid? It would be fantastic if this was funded.

  3. perrone Member

    It is funded - Community health pods run countless DM education groups
  4. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Hi Perrone thanks for this info.

    I was thinking provately run groups? Think this was Michelle's thoughts as well?

  5. boxer Member

    Thanks perrone and heather. Yes, interested to hear if anyone is doing any privately run groups. Have also run many CH funded groups in my years in CH, but this seems to be new ground. Am wondering if the best way is to actually bill the medical centre for my time...

  6. George B Welcome New Poster

    I worked in a private multi-d team in Brisbane for a while.
    DVA will not cover / has no provision for payment for a group ed session. Individual appointments only.
    Medicare payments are for 20min minimum with the patient - ie. is the same as DVA.
    The private health funds have no item number for group education either.
    So you either need to charge per head directly or if you're doing things for a medical centre, for your time.
    Those were the only two legitimate ways to charge as far as I was able to tell.
  7. boxer Member

    Thanks George, that info really helps. I found out that dietitians, diabetes nurse and exercise physiologists have item numbers for group sessions via Medicare, but no podiatry!

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