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  1. peace Member

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    I had my lip pierced yesterday, rather impulsively, and was wondering what your thoughts are on body piercing. If you have a younger patient with a facial piercing how do you see them? Is body piercing becoming more accepted?
  2. I guess it comes down to infection control, and how your patients are going to react to it. Now, body piercing is probably more acceptable within younger individuals, it is probably less accepted by the older people within the population. If you are in private practice, you'll soon see... Me? I keep mine away from public view.

    I do remember a staff meeting at Northampton about 20 years ago when it was discussed as to whether a student should be made to cover up his arms during clinic, due to the tattoos he had... I guess times have changed since then, hey Linda Merriman?
  3. This only for those who can predict what it will be, you have been warned. Is it prince Simon now ????
  4. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Thank you M Weber for making my eyes water ......


    I am not too sure I understand your question but I would respond as follows.

    It is not acceptable IMO for a clinician to have visible body piercings as they could interfere with infection control and that goes for "dangly" earrings and other elaborate jewellary as well.

    However, I don't care if patients want to come to clinic pierced like a pincushion as long as it doesn't interfere with treatment. I ask then to remove toe rings and ankle bracelets, but as yet no-one had had any piercings on their feet.
    ( The only exception to this was a chap who had a piece of wire stuck in his foot but that was an accident and he didn't know it was there until I discovered it under a layer of callus )


  5. pod at home Active Member

    Hi Peace,
    I think with piercings it is a case of infection control - specially as yours is a new piercing so technically an open(ish) wound for a bit - just think of the spores and dust landing on it - which is primarily why I remove mine when in clinic (so whilst its healing i would suggest you cover it with something to stop debris and then when you can remove it, leave it out when in clinic and shove it back once you've finished).
  6. twirly Well-Known Member

    Personally I like them.

    I have a tragus piercing, ears & belly button (plus tattoos). Am a hip n happening 44 year old. :eek:

    When I worked for the NHS as part of the podiatry theatre team I was told to remove my earrings as 'policy' dictated no jewellery permitted in theatre. Not a problem & I removed the offending items.

    A patient undergoing bunion surgery under l/a had a panic attack in theatre & the consultant anaesthetist was duly summoned to administer medication.

    What arrived can only be described as Dolly Parton on smack given the amount of jangles the consultant was sporting. Mere mortals could imagine infection control only applies to the lesser beings in the NHS. :boxing:

    Now in private practice I keep it fairly low key. My choice. If they don't like it they can go elsewhere.

    Kind regards,


    PS. Simon, funky ;o)
  7. Mandy, sorry to disappoint. The picture that Mike linked to wasn't of me.;) Mine are better than that.
  8. blinda MVP

    Ja, am partial myself.

    Will post `quite an interesting` reference on body piercing tomorrow, when I can lay my hands on it....
  9. twirly Well-Known Member

    I've taken the poster down now.

    So disappointing..........................

  10. Same to you. I would say "with bells on", but then were get into the realms of specialist market.
  11. blinda MVP

    :D Wasn`t that the password for the Tamworth gig?
  12. blinda MVP


    Got a link for that Simon?
  13. What? "So disappointing..."
  14. I got links for all kind of things, links that would turn you green. But I don't think that this is the time nor place. PM me if you really want to know...;)
  15. blinda MVP

    OK, Stepping away from this thread now....:eek:
  16. twirly Well-Known Member

    Christ no! Girl at uni' had hers done & wore fleecy web in her bra for a month.
    She said weirdest bit was having a total stranger flicking her nipple while chatting about the weather while stabbing a needle through it!

    Maybe one day I'll be brave.

    More likely I will convince Himself to get one 1st.

    Attached Files:

  17. Yep, that's me done.
  18. Probably should be recorded as the first known efficacious use for fleecy web. I'm assuming it was efficacious?
  19. twirly Well-Known Member

    Sadly no.

    Studies revealed that the piercing was removed as the efficacy of the aforementioned fleecy web negated to provide the desired result.

    A sad tale indeed.......
  20. blinda MVP

    Darn. What about SCF?
  21. twirly Well-Known Member

    Alas Bel' she was too chicken to even attempt 5mm never mind the proper marine of padding 7mm SCF!

    I hear she went no further in podiatry.

    Poor girl.

    Burn out.......:empathy:
  22. footfan Active Member

    Heres what i think simon has , dedication to the lower limb and easy to hide :D

    Attached Files:

  23. peace Member

    Thats a cool piercing footfan...

    That is a good point about infection control pod at home. Im afraid my new lip piercing is no more.... have taken it out as it didn't feel right

    Mandy (twirly) I am impressed with your piercings and tattoo at 44. I am 50 (very big ouch) and seem to be going through a rebel stage at a late age!

    Thanks for all your responses.
  24. blinda MVP

    Is that what happens when you reach your 40`s & 50`s?
  25. Is that time of the year already - I thought it was March sometime and If I remember correctly you will be the 40 and it will time to book in for the full sleeve then ?

    If it soon Happy Birthday Bel. Make sure the Psoriasis gets the treatment it needs.:drinks
  26. twirly Well-Known Member

    Hi Bel' :D

    My decline into deviance began at the ripe ole age of 11. I lied to my Aunt while I was on holiday. She asked what I would like for my birthday. I told her my Mum (who was opposed to piercing) had promised I could have my ears pierced. ;)

    Said Aunt took me to Lewis's department store in Liverpool & tada............... one received my first adornment.

    Boy was Mum mad :eek:

    I never did like being told no. :rolleyes:


    PS. Also put bubble gum in my hair when I was 6 as I wanted short hair like my brother. My Dad said if I was a stick of Blackpool rock it would read naughty all the way through.
  27. blinda MVP


    He wasn`t wrong:morning:
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