< Hallux Limitus Diagnosis | Jones Fracture Repaired with Compression Staple >
  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Hello! I'm hoping someone else had had this experience and can share their thoughts. I had a Jones fracture in mid-September. It seemed to be taking forever to heal with a hard cast and nwb crutches. In late December I had an MRI. The MRI shows almost complete bony union of the fracture (good) but also shows moderate to severe bone marrow edema all along the shaft and head of the bone. I'm still in a fair amount of pain. It comes and goes but hurts more often than not. It's not severe -...

    Bone marrow edema AFTER fracture heals?

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< Hallux Limitus Diagnosis | Jones Fracture Repaired with Compression Staple >

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