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  1. George Brandy Active Member

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    I just wanted to stop by and offer my thoughts and deepest sympathies to any of our Southern Australian collegues, and their friends and families, that are caught up in the bush fires.

    We may be shivering in sub zero temperatures here in the UK, but these fires are Mother Nature at her worst. We should not complain.

    Thinking of you all,

  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    I am just sitting in my hotel at Heathrow catching up with all the news at a number of websites (The Age; Herald; Ninemsn). The numbers are sobering and I sad I not there .... time to phone home.
  3. claire Member

    I agree, mother nature can be a beauty and a beast.
    Watching the news avidly, unbelievable when we are experiencing such extremes of cold and snow.
    Lets hope the fires are under control soon and no more casualities
  4. Craig Payne Moderator

  5. Craig Payne Moderator

    The Age

    This takes the cake: :mad::mad::mad:
    The Age
  6. Wendy Active Member

    I would like to echo the thoughts already expressed here. It's not something we can comprehend in the depths of winter and I hope to goodness those responsible are apprehended......................
  7. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    We have many friends in the area and some family, waiting to hear from them is the hard bit, but not as hard as it must have been for them, yet they just keep going.

    One of our friends saved their house and spent the night taking it in turns to watch for spot fires...the township of Whittlesea is a political center as every politician flies in to be seen..."Malcolm Turnbull due here this morning" Mum tells me .

    There will be some sad and some truly amazing stories to be told from this one.

    The damaged vehicles driven into Whittlesea including firetrucks, that are bubbled, melted and scorched driven by those fleeing tell just part of it.

    The bit that amazes me is the tourist element...people just going up there just to look, if your going at least help or take something of use
  8. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Codolences to those who have lost loved ones.
    What a horrific time in our Nations Histroy. Largest loss of life outside a war zone.
    Then we gert to see just how wonderfull and kind we are as a nation, we have donated millions for assistance in only a few short days.

    May your god be with you,

    BUT there before the grace of god go you or I,:empathy:
  9. rvrdpm Welcome New Poster

    Hello to all Down Under

    I wish, as well, to extend my sympathy to all those suffering from the fires in AUS.
    As a Podiatrist in RI, USA I am not to far away to feel sorrow. I truly hope all turns out well for those in the fires path. My family and I shall you keep you in our prayers and thoughts.

    God Bless

    Dr. Rob
  10. W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    To all colleagues in Victoria and NSW, you and yours are in our thoughts.

    Try not to feel too badly about the firebugs and "tourists" in your midst, cretinous arsoles are worldwide.

  11. twirly Well-Known Member

    Everyone I have spoken to regarding the terrible losses in Australia echo the feelings already expressed on Pod. A.

    Our thoughts are with you & we too feel great sadness at your loss. May comfort come to those in need & retribution to any responsible.

    I am aware that for any Australians away from home the sadness is just as intense in their absence & my thoughts go to them too.

  12. These events remind us all of the value of what we take for granted. Life, security, a home, these things are tenuous.

    Lets hope that this proves one of those events which does as much to unite a nation and bring out the best in humanity as to break it. How often do we see the nobility of human nature shine in times like these.

    My sympathies to all who have friends or loved ones in the area.

  13. George Brandy Active Member

    A touching moment

    Attached Files:

  14. Craig Payne Moderator

    Tragedy always brings out the best:
    and worst in people
    and now we have this:
  15. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    l have a happy one for you...........

    Four weeks ago a friend had new water pipes (plastic) put in from the Dam at the bottom of the hill to the 30,000 ltr tank at the top of the hill, the pipes run on the angle past the house.

    He has complained trying to get the plumber back as parts of the new pipe are on the surface where they should not be.

    When the fires came they came from the front of the property heading for the house, the embers falling on the pipe melted holes in the pipes wetting the ground and extinguished most of the fire heading to the house, he is now looking for the same plumber to buy him a:drinks or three.

    Fortunately with 30,000 ltrs in the tank already they had enough to to extinguish the rest.
  16. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Craig there are always the downers BUT they are also ALWAYS the miserable minority that get MAJOR responses.

    Hope all is well with you and yours,
  17. admin Administrator Staff Member

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