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    Been looking through socaps code of ethics but am a bit confused...

    Are we Pods allowed to advertise discounts on routine treatment for new patients?

    MS now qualified
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    I don't know about the SOCAPs code of ethics, but I see a lot of discount offers coming via coupon sites like Groupon ... they pollute my alerts!
  3. Craig Payne Moderator

    BTW, in Australia, the Registration Board is explicit:
  4. Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    Yes that code of conduct is confusing in the first two paragraphs where initially it says its "inappropriote" but goes on to state how you should act if you do offer a discount!

    I do not think the registration Board could act against it - and if they did they would have to start with the Chiro's who judging by all the groupon and discount emails I get from them every day would take 50 years to sift through!

    Advertising and marketting comes in many, many forms. I can name several very prominant Australian Podiatry clinics who advertise on their website and media about "checking your orthoses" for FREE to see if they are old or worn out. Is this a form of discount marketting? Yes. Its no different to the Chiros offering a discount on the Groupon type sites in my opinion.

    What about Podiatrists who advertise themselves in the media? Put testimonials on their websites (which is also not allowed by the Registration Board)? All advertising and marketting.

    I believe it can be done tactfully and ethically. I also believe it can be taken over the line in some instances.
  5. Thanks for your replies. SOCAP also have a quote similar to the one posted by Craig...and yes I did find it confusing.

    The reason for asking, is that after setting up recently I had a phone call to meet a local pod. They basically said "was i contavening" guidelines by offering a discount and were also asking about my pay structure (I am charging less than them).

    When looking at the local area, prices were very varied for our area, so I went with what is charged at another clinic I work at some 15 miles away. I don't want to cause any angst between fellow practitioners but felt like I was having to justify myself to them!

  6. kitos Active Member

    Hi Mature

    Basically it's your business so charge what you want and to who ever you like. I wouldn't go advertising the fact though or else people will complain if they aren't getting the same deal.

    If I want to give additional dressings FOC to a patient I do so....is that contravening any dictats from a Society or Institute who haven't necessarily got a clue about what our business is about?

    In respect to other pods asking you about your pay structure - unless you know them and want to tell them I suggest you ask them to book an appointment with you and charges will be discussed at that time!

    Best wishes


    Foregt what others charge and think of your own worth. If you think you go the extra mile and offer better treatment than others (in better surroundings maybe) then charge what you think people will pay and be damned with what others think.
  7. Ideology Active Member

    Why would you want to discount? Good health care is never cheap. The only surgeon who discounts is the one who can't get any work. Other practitioners should be told polietly to go away if they question your billing/charges. None of their business. Focus on your patients and explaining the value proposition you offer to them. There are many great communication strategies but ultimately remember patients want your opinion and you have to make it tangible. Charge what you are worth, present like you mean it and work like a lunatic.
  8. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Yes why would you want to discount? Why would you devalue your practice or capabilities??

  9. George Brandy Active Member

    Hi MS now qualified,

    Under competitve law, I doubt that SCP could bring you to task for advertising discounts whether disapproval of such practice is written into their code of conduct or not.

    Sometimes an incentive, such as discounting, is needed to encourage patients to see a new associate, get them over the doorstep in the first instance and to say thank you to those loyal patients who recommend family and friends. Always attach terms and conditions to all incentives/discounts and a start and finish date.

    Once your business is up and running then you can follow in the footsteps of Hj-ray and Ideology.

    As far as your kind local colleague goes, hopefully he/she offered some sage business advice as well as veiled threats?

  10. Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    I'm sure I could put together reasonably coherent argument that Podiatrists have been discounting their services for years: to DVA, bulk billing to Medicare and accepting health fund payment only/no gap as good examples.

  11. lucycool Active Member

    When I was working in the UK ( as a mature student, staright out of uni in PP) I was offering discounts and free feet checks to get ppl in the door. It is very hard to start up when the UK is in this evil recession which is very hard on private practitioners - esp ones with no client loyalty or history!
    I suspect that everyone is feeling the pinch which is why your neighbouring pods came knocking, but at the end of the day, you need to get your business going before you get loyal and loving clients so do what you need to do to survive this horrible financial time..
    .. or do what I did and move to Australia!

    Good Luck and dont let anyone put you down!

  12. lcp Active Member

    Tell them to go jump mate. Offering discounts/promotions is a great way to increase the number of patients of a new clinic or focusing on a target area of your clinic (kids, athletes, surgery etc). If it helps your clinic get running, go for it.
  13. Thank you to everybody for your replies. It is interesting to see the majority don't see a problem with my business ethics but some are on the side of 'not devaluing the profession'!!

    I did contact the other pod and put my point across that I found their meeting almost 'bullyish' and I did get an apology...as well as the statement of devaluing.

    I will carry on as I see fit and unfortunately I wont be looking their way for any advice I might need which is a shame after the way they treated me!

  14. antipodean Active Member

    Dear Mature student, If another pod challenged my fee structure I would be more than happy to infer they might be trying to price fix and ask if they would like me to take it up with the ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission).
    I am big on informed financial consent. Much better to spell out fees on an info sheet. Ie standard appointment cost is X goes for 20 minutes etc. It inoculates against new patient expectations of a diabetic foot check, general treatment etc to all be undertaken at once. or of the need to make a double appointment, misconceptions that anybody is covered by medicare etc.
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