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    Press Release:
    Cannabinoid Spray (Sativex) Improves Neuropathic Pain
  2. I'd try it. :p :confused: :D
  3. Unfortunately the active cannabinoids that give the 'high' have been removed from Sativex, Robert, so I'd stick with your home-grown variety for now. Interestingly, I had a 83 y/o great grandmother in surgery last week who grows her own plants then harvests the buds to make a variety of foods - stews, soups, chocolates and cakes. She also adds them to vodka which she has as her 'night-cap' and swears by the medicinal effect. In a previous life she was a General Practitioner and magistrate. Not the first time I've come across an octogenerian dope fiend either.
  4. Curses, foiled. :mad:

    Agreed! Manys the home visit i've done with some dignified silver haired little love and seen assorted cannibis smoking equipment lying around. One even sparked up while i was treating her. :eek:

    It is truly observed that every generation thinks THEY invented all the interesting vices. :rolleyes:

  5. Nice one, but did she offer you a puff?
    The folly of youth. They usually get a shock when they discover the pile of dirty magazines and smoking appareil underneath Grandpa's bed.
  6. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

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