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  1. canner01 Welcome New Poster

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    :bang:Hi, I'm very new to this site. I am currently studying a fhp course and in the process of hopefully starting an access course sept, then hopefully going on to university to start a degree course in podiatry. I am unsure at the moment what to do as I understand at the minute there are not many podiatry jobs out there and people seem to be heading towards the private sector. Just wondering if anyone out there is having the same lilema as me. I know it would be fantastic to have the letters after your name, but I am wondering if it is worth all the hard work with 3 yrs full time uni when there are no jobs out there. And everyone seems to be heading towards the private sector.

    Would be very grateful if anyone can enlighten me on this.

    kind regards canner01
  2. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Hello canner01,
    I'm not sure I understnd your post.
    I wonder why you are wasting your time taking both an FHP course, and an access course and then a degree course?
    Why not go straight to uni?
    In the time you have wasted taking these low-level courses you could be 2/3rd through the degree course.

    I wonder who told you there are no public sector podiatry jobs out there? The private trainers? They'd like people to think that to justify their low-level training programmes.
    There is always employment for degree-trained pods in the NHS if you are prepared to relocate to where the jobs are.
    There are always requests for pods to join practices abroad - just look at the ads on this site.
    Even if you don't choose to eventually go into public sector work, don't you owe it to yourself to get the best education in the subject you can, at the highest level?


  3. canner01 Welcome New Poster

    Hello catfoot,
    Thankyou for your reply, sorry I didn't explain myself properly. I am 33 with no qualifications and married with 2 kids, so I need the access course to enable me to start uni. The fhp course will hopefully generate a bit of income whilst studying. And yes you are right I do owe it to myself to get the best education with the best results, but I have to admit, the thoughts of going to uni terrifies me. And I will definately check the job situation out on this site.
    Thankyou again Canner01
  4. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Hello canner01,
    First of all let me applaud your decision to go to university to study for a pod degree.

    However, I am not sure that working as an FHP will provide enough money to support your training. There will be considerable outlay in terms of equipment and advertising and it could take several years before you will have recouped your original set-up costs. In addition, from what I have seen, the private trainers seem to be rather optimistic in their projected earnings from this occupation.

    However, i would like to wish you well in your endeavours.


  5. Ian Drakard Active Member

    Don't be terrified- most podiatry courses are very supportive of mature students from various backgrounds.

    However with regards to your plan to work as an FHP while studying, be aware that the course can be quite time demanding (large practical and study requirements), so trying to do this, and work and look after a family may be optimistic.

    Also check out what the NHS bursary situation will be for when you go. The bursary when I went was a big help and I think they gave additional money to people with kids. You're not going to be rich on it but it might make the difference between having to work and not.

    All the best and let us know how you get on
  6. blinda MVP

    Hi canner01,

    I was in a similar situation to you in 2002; In my early thirties, 4 children and wanting to start a career in the foot health industry.

    So, I undertook what was then (pre augmentation of the Health Professions Order) a chiropody course with the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists. Got the learning bug, and found myself being offered a place at uni in 2004. They accepted the Institutes chiropody course as evidence of recent learning and education, so I did not need to undertake an access course and could work one day a week, as a chiropodist, whilst studying.

    The Institute no longer run the course which I did, but they now offer a City and Guilds qualification, which I understand to be similar in content.

    It wasn`t a breeze, but it IS possible. So, go for it!

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