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  1. podesh Active Member

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    Hi All

    Please could you advise what adhesive you use for for sticking additions/topcovers etc to simple insoles. We are looking at using prefab orthoses, or making simple insoles from poron/plastazote etc

    We are a small public health facility so for us our main concern is ventilation and cost, this is whole different story and not for today!!

    Many Thanks
  2. Graham RIP

    Carpet Tape!

    I used this In Trinidad & Tobago to build orthoses onto sandals for foot ulcers etc. I use it to make temporary mods in clinic which I will take to the lab at a later date if they work. Use tape for heavy use areas.
  3. efuller MVP

    Ortec by Renia doesn't have toluene. Renia's adds say that it focuses on the orthotists and prosthotists. Ortec has got some other stuff that doesn't smell so good. How bad is the ventilation? With any contact cement you have to remvoe the solvent so that you leave the sticky stuff. I saw an add for a water based cement, but the rep fro the supplier mentioned that water is not going to evaporate as fast as an organic solvent. For a chairside device you probably don't want to wait for a water based cement. I've never tried the water based cement so I don't know if a heat gun would speed things up enough to make it practical for a chairside device.


  4. I've used water based contact adhesive, lets put it this way I wouldn't buy another tin of it. Takes ages to tack off and doesn't adhere anywhere near as well as solvent based contact adhesive, IMHO.

    If you are determined to go solvent free, you would need to pre-glue the sheets of materials you are going to use and re-activate with a heat gun. The problem is if you want to sandwich a material you need glue on both sides, OK if you are going to use the whole sheet this way, but if you want some with glue on one side and some with glue on both sides, you'll need to plan ahead.

    Like Graham, I use carpet tape (double sided) on some components and also Duck tape (single sided) to hold soft buttons in place etc. But ultimately a solvent based contact adhesive and a fume extractor are the way to go.
  5. Ian Drakard Active Member

    I'd go with the carpet/double sided tape. I've seen a few mods back that I'd done ages ago and still going strong.

    Also worth checking out is spray glue (prefix for example). Lets you work quite quickly still, but you do preferably need a seperate work area, and put some lining paper down where you're using it or you'll end up sticking yourself to your desk one day ;)
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