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Christian podiatrist ‘didn’t want to treat patients he thought were gay’

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by NewsBot, Feb 7, 2011.

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  1. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member


    Well are you ???

    Over to you.....

  2. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    It was a question thrown out to invite opinions and discussion.

    So what do you think?

    Have you ever worked in a multicultural enviroment, and if so how did you rise to the challenges ?

    Curious cat
  3. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
  4. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    I'm fully aware of that, but it was directed at Robert Isaacs.

    My question was directed at you.

    Answer please...........

    Over to you
    D ;-)
  5. Well my Swedish is pretty bad, my patients don´t take offence sometimes we laugh about it.

    To not treat due to race,sex,religion, sexual preference etc etc is not on.


    Bye Bye
  6. Hypotheticals are always a fine line. On a minefield. On thin ice! Which I don't have to tell you is pretty dangerous!

    However. Since I like a bit of sophestry.

    I would say it depends. If you were a dentist, you could obviously not treat a woman wearing a burkha (on account it gets in the way). Therefor refusing to treat would not be discriminatory, merely pragmatic. You would not be refusing on the grounds of non co-operation, but on practicality.

    So too with us. If you were completely unable to do your job on account of the dress choice the you simply can't.

    It gets woolyer when there is an argument over whether you are being overly demanding. I've treated deaf patients, patients I could not understand, and mentally ill patients. Therefore to me to refuse to treat a patient because she would not remove a burkha WOULD be discriminatory because it can be shown that it was not a requirement for treatment that she do so. And indeed a burkha is not a barrier to communication. It was simply my preference.

    If I had a preference that someone remove her top for me to treat her (in the NHS) I could not refuse treatment on the grounds that she would not co-operate. If it is an item of clothing specific to an ethnic group it becomes, I think, de facto discrimination.

    So I think it is contingent on whether treatment is genuinely contingent on their co-operation.

    But thats just my opinion.
  7. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Thank you for a well-reasoned answer.


  8. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member


    you replied to Robert

    Where is your answer and response to my question ???

    Is there a problem ??
    Over to you
    D ;-)
  9. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    You have answered a question with a question. I wonder why that is?

    I threw in a hyperthetical question to stimulate discussion and Robert has given a very erudite answer.

    You have already told me (on another thread that got pulled by admin) that you think I am a sad person for flagging up the Shellfish Network. So why on earth are you interested what I think?

    Curious Cat
  10. cornmerchant

    cornmerchant Well-Known Member

    Drop it Derek, it was a perfectly reasonable question.

    Catfoot.- It does not often happen where I live, not being in a multicultural city, but I treat anyone that needs treatment within safe limits. Eye contact can be used to communicate enough to know whether you are causing distress. At the end of the day they came for foot treatment so it will not come as a huge shock when you touch their feet! Patients with dementia or learning difficulties are always accompanied by a carer .

    In Pp I have never refused to treat a patient, been into some very grotty dwellings and had to work in less than desirable surroundings. But no problems arose from that treatment , I knew that I was still working within safe limits for both myself and my patient .

    When I go to work I do not bring politics or religion with me- often if the issue arises I skirt around the topic and rarely give my own views but sit on the fence- that will be the same one as you Robert! Its a matter of being agreeable with everyone.

    Now Derek, maybe you could give us your slant on this?

  11. Just got home from a 3 1/2 hour visit to the local A & E after my five year old daughter started bleeding from her ear and developed a rash over her torso. Do you know what? I didn't care if the staff that were examining her were black, white, green, blue, gay, straight, christian, muslim, catholic or atheist so long as they were skilled and professional, and they were.

    She got a perforated ear drum from some infection.

    Attached Files:

  12. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member


    Are you ready to apologise for you slanderous statements made in your last post to me ??

    Your invitation you made to me to "kiss your arse" in the last post you directed at me?

    I still cannot find the courage to think about albeit your head is taking up all the room.

    You are treading on very dangerous ground Heather, I have stepped back from you twice.. I NEVER step back a third time from ANYONE for any reason.

    You should note that despite your contempt for me / my professional body ..they have excellent liable / slander lawyers.

    Be very careful I do not have need to make use of the facility.

    So I suggest you bow out of ANY thread I post on where you feel the need to direct comment to me, for your own protection

    Just a friendly word of warning, so please don't go running to Craig to get the thread closed, just pointing out the facts as I see them.

    Wanna apologise and wipe the slate clean ??

    Your choice
    D ;-)
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
  13. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
  14. cornmerchant

    cornmerchant Well-Known Member

    Wow Derek

    I am not sure where all that came from but I do apologise for any offence caused, I had not realised that it was a real issue. I have to confess I cannot remember the last post you refer to but I take your word for it and withdraw whatever appeared slanderous.

    With respect
  15. :eek:

    Dude. That is a rough thing to go through. Any parent knows you'd rather drink petrol and piss on a BBQ than see your children in hospital and that sounds like scary ****!! Best wishes to all 3 of you. Hope lil'un feels better soon.

    How about love and peace... please? Its ironic that this should come up on a thread about tolerance. Feel the Irony?

    An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth leaves everybody eyeless and toothless. I don't even know how this started and I don't think it matters any more. These days if either of you say "good morning" its the start of a ruck! Stop playing with each other!

    Not that it matters much. You know the scissors of an exasperated australian are heading this way.
  16. Thanks fella. I don't think the irony was lost on ya' man when he was writing the song. P.S. he may live in the land of Oz, but he's a Kiwi. I love all these labels. Thanks again, Robert.
  17. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member


    Twice you have made incorrect and slanderous assumptions to attack the integrity of my practice and its functions and posted your conclusions on this forum (i'm sure your memory is not that bad) to that end.

    You have made an apology and withdrawn the comments for which I thank you.

    I deem the matter closed in this instance but would respectfully suggest you bear in mind and heed the advice I have offered in the future

    D ;-)
  18. See when I met Craig,

    "I said, "Do you speak-a my language?"
    He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich
    And he said,

    "I come from a land down under
    Where beer does flow and men chunder
    Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
    You better run, you better take cover."


    Peace out brethren.

    With a few video clips from summer school and some basic video editing software we could make a banging version of that song. Any volunteers for the strange lady who made me nervous?
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