< Experienced podiatrist required in Greater London polyclinic | Podiatrists Urgently Required >
  1. PFP Welcome New Poster

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    We have a space available for a Chiropodist, Podiatrist or Foot Care Professional. This is a new role so you would need to be prepared to build a practice but there is good demand locally. There is a three week waiting list at the only other foot clinic in the town.

    Our clinic is a mixed therapy practice in a beautiful location on a business park, good parking and another health clinic next door (there is no foot care there either). We have two rooms, kitchen and storage space. Rent is paid by the half or full day.

    Bury St Edmunds is an affluent town in the Suffolk Countryside where clients appreciate coming to smart premises. The practice has a website, bespoke answering service and Broadband. We have Acupuncture, Reflexology, Occ health and Sports Massage.

    If you would like to join us please email or call us. This is a long term choice, where you can build a great self private practice based with us and do mobile visits alongside your clinic work if you choose to.

    Caroline Williams - Acupuncturist.

    Park Farm Practice (.co.uk) the link wasn't allowed by the forum!
    01284 - 829005
  2. PFP Welcome New Poster

    If it sounded challenging to start from scratch I wanted to say we can be flexible on rent for the first two months; you can do a by the hour rate, or we can do a fee split with you until you have plenty of clients. We will support you to get going!
< Experienced podiatrist required in Greater London polyclinic | Podiatrists Urgently Required >

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