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  1. vt1311 Member

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    Hi everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone had any thought or opinions on this subject? I will be graduating from Salford University this summer, and I am contemplating working at a private podiatrists a couple of days a week, and also starting up my own business one day a week. Would this cause a conflict of interest for the private practitioner who would be employing me?
    Look forward to hearing your responses! Thanks!
  2. Griff Moderator

    It may do if you are in the same area. Some practices may even have a clause in your contract (assuming you are working for them as an employee) which prevents you from working within a certain radius of their clinic. Basically it will depend on the employer (and on the exact details of the situation) but they'll usually be quite open with you about this from the start.
< Vacancy for Reader at University of Plymouth | Ambitious and driven nearly qualified student from Brighton University looking for work within and a >

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