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  1. tracyd123 Member

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    Hi All,

    I was just wondering if anyone uses a contract (which outlines the cost, follow up appointment information etc.) that clients must sign before the going ahead with orthoses prescription.

    We are thinking of implementing such a contract and I was wondering if anyone had a template that they use?


  2. Easy Feet Welcome New Poster

    Hi Tracy,

    A previous company that I worked had a similar type of document, I will see if I can dig it up, although it was entitled a consent form. The consent form outlined what the cost was, length of treatment, what was expected of the patient, what was involved in Tx (casting & orthoses, subsequent Txs and timelines of such).
    However we as Podiatrists were forced to 'sell' orthoses to the patients and then questioned why we didn't 'convert' them into orthotics. Needless to say I left this company as I did not agree with selling orthoses as the only form of Tx!
    I will try to get it as quickly as possible.


    Easy Feet
  3. Kenva Active Member


    Hello Easy Feet,

    I notice that you make a difference in the use of: orthotics, orthoses.
    Is there a good description on the difference between the 2, because i have the feeling that these terms are used at random.

  4. CraigT Well-Known Member

    Hi Ken
    You are right- they are often used at random, although this is not technically correct. This is due to lay people generally using the word 'orthotics' - when you deal with these people, it is easier not to worry about correcting them- many of us get into this habit!
    So... the difference-
    Orthosis (singular)
    Orthoses (plural)
    Orthotic- adjective- pertaining to orthoses.
    I sometimes say 'you will benefit from othotic therapy' rather than confuse patients by using the word 'orthoses'
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