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  1. Jenene Lovell Active Member

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    Please correct me if I am wrong... Has the CPD points changed recently?

    My understanding of it was that a registered podiatrist has to accumulate at least 20 CPD hours for at least two categories in the 1 year, more so if you are an endorsed schedule medicine podiatrist, which means that ar least 30 CPD hours have to be logged, and 40 CPD hours if you are a Podiatric Surgeon.

    Is this right?
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    No changes since they were implemented.

    Its still a minimum of 20hrs a yr (+CPR) (+10 if endorsed; +20 if surgeon)

    That 20 hrs has to be across a mix of up to the 5 categories, with a max that can be claimed from each category.
  3. Jenene Lovell Active Member

    Thankyou for clearing that up Craig. I was getting a little confused about it all... At least I know that I am completing the correct number of CPD hours...
  4. Tim Foran Active Member

    I keep a written log of every thread I read, how long I spend reading that thread and date read. What category would this fall under with the podiatry board of Australia's guidelines? Either further education category 2 (online relevant education) or self directed learning category 4?
  5. Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure its either. You really keep a written log of every thread you read.....wow! Impressive. If I did that I would accumulate 40 million trillion hours a year on Pod Arena but I am only able to claim 10 for my registration.....;)
  6. Tim Foran Active Member

    Thanks Paul. Once I get my 10 hrs I get quite lax though.
  7. Jenene Lovell Active Member

    Paul.... do you think you could share some of those 40 million trillion hours haha :D
    joking of course
  8. sandra.jones Member

    Just out of interest, will your podiatry board allow cross referencing between categories? If it's further education which has been self directed surely that is then evidence for both categories?
  9. Jenene Lovell Active Member

    My underestanding is that it has to be one or the other categories, if you have allocated all of the further education (category 2) cpd hours, and you can justify and provide evidence of self directed learning (category 4), then you can split.

    I know that there are some things that can be categorised under a multitude of categories. For example, If I was to prepare an lecture to my peers in a multi-disciplinary practice on plantar fasiosis (fasciitis), and was researching the most up to date journal articles for the most relevent evidence based treatment and management. This would fall under several categories.
    - category 1 - in service lecture
    - category 4 - review of research / journal article with notes required
    - category 5 - contribution to podiatry profession (volunteer service)
    As far as I know, you can only can said amount of hours for ONE category. So, pick the cateegory that you have not already used and put it towards that. For instance, if it was me, I would put my hours to category 1, as I research a lot of articles and do several hours of volunteer work and can allocate those hours to them instead of "wasting" them on the above example.

    Does that make sense???
  10. Tim Foran Active Member

    When reviewing/reading journal articles, what type of notes are expected? Are they suppose to be detailed notes or just highlighted parts of the journal articles?
  11. Jenene Lovell Active Member

    I'd like to know the answer to this too... my guess is that there would need to be some notes to ensure you actually understand what the journal article is about and how they reached a specific conclusion, and not just highlighting random sentences...
    How do you prove that it is self directed learning if you just read an highlight??

    Are notes required, and in what form???
  12. gdenbyUK Active Member

    I suggest that a conference attendance certificate or highlighting pertinent statements in an article is not sufficient to demonstrate learning. However, a brief one-sided reflective account may serve this purpose well, considering the following:-

    1) Description / Background
    2) Key Themes
    3) Practical, theroretical and emotional factors that influenced actions
    4) Guidance and advise sought
    5) Using this information to plan future practice, demonstrating an awareness of own limitations and competence

    These simple headings encompass many areas of self-motivated adult learning and that the training / experience has had a beneficial affect. This approach can apply to formal training or equally, to a particularly challenging client (or reading a book, or buying some new clinical equipment...) that requires a specific update or response to best benefit the patient / client. From experience this year, the same beneficial affect must be demonstrated in your returned HCPC audit summary, in particular as applies to your personal ways / mix of professional working.

    Actual CPD hours or CPD points are of NO consequence, just an arbitary measure of doing 'something'. They help highlight to NHS supervisors and the likes, the requirement for allocating at least some time for training activities (in private practice we must do this and fund this of our own free volition!).
  13. Craig Payne Moderator

    That is the ongoing problem I have commented on in numerous other CPD threads.

    All current systems measure inputs (ie hours or points accumulated )
    What they should be measuring are outputs (ie improvement in patient outcomes)
  14. Jenene Lovell Active Member


    I completely agree Craig, what we ultimately need to focus on is the patient... It is all well and good to post a point of view on here, but it really needs to be relevent to improving patient care.

    I don't envy the person that has to sort this one out.
  15. Craig Payne Moderator

    The issues are being debated and addressed by CPD professionals (eg I just finished reading this book) and it spends a lot of time on the input v output measurements. I just not sure how up to speed the Registration Boards are on the issues.
  16. Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    The issue is you can lead the horse to water all you like but you can't make it drink. I can name people who currently purposely get around the CPD system by going to conferences and not attending lectures. By claiming they have done work when they haven't. In fact I would question that even if they did attend whether or not those people would put into practice on Monday morning what they may have learnt on Saturday afternoon. The simple fact is, its not the education or its delivery/assessment methods that need changing. Its peoples attitudes to education - and we all know that habit is the hardest thing to change!
  17. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    As said it is up to each individual. Some of us are committed (or should be committed... not sure to where :) hee hee ) .... trillions of hours... while others do not have that same drive.. There is unlikley to ever be agreement.... but for those who do congrats and enjoy...


  18. trevor Active Member

    Hi All,
    Need CPD hours for 2013?
    The American Podiatric Medical Association's Annual Scientific Meeting is in Las Vagas in July 2013.
    The cost is $1900 for 5 nights at the Venetian including airfares (ex Sydney).
    Registration for the conference is $295 for APMA members. Registration includes breakfasts, lunches and refreshments.
    It is all tax deductable.
    There are 26.5 hours of CPD available.
    Be prepared to be blown away, You will learn sooo much.

    The trade display has hundreds of exhibitors.

    Do a cost benefit analysis and compare this with your last Australian conference

    For all you Hawaii 5-0 fans the National is at the Hilton Hawaiian Village 2014. We stayed there last week and had a great time.
  19. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Thanks Trevor,,, while looking at the above you can also check out evey state, north, south east,west and various specialty groups, 100's of conferences all much cheaper than ours.

    If we had 1000's moer of us and 100's of exhibitors our conferences could be cheaper too :)

    Does anyone know about the accredited Pod Scheme that was due to be available from mid year?? This was talked about at State conference but I have not been able to find this yet??
    Glad I am not scrambling for hours of CPD at last minute...


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