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  1. Jaimee Brent Active Member

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    This is relating to australian podiatrists, I'm unsure how other cou tries relate to this.

    I have always been very confused by the fact that as a university trained podiatrist fingernails are considered out of our realm of treatment as we do nit study the hands. However foot care nurses who only do a very short course are able to treat both toenails and fingernails.

    Is there any way as a oodiatriast I can do a bridging course or attend the foot care course that the nurses do to allow them to treat fingernails as well and be able to get insurance cover for this?

    It just also feels quite ridiculous that I am obliged to refer my patients on to pay for a seperate service with often high fees for this when I do feel it is something I can easily provide myself.

    Anyone have any ideas or clarity?

    Jaimee Brent
  2. plevanszx1 Active Member

    i am surprised by this problem. in UK we are insured to treat on feet legs arms and hands those lesions we treat on feet. so i did cryosurgery on hand warts as well as feet in my hospital job. On wards i was only person able to sort out stroke patients or others with retracted hands and fingers so that finger nails were difficult to get at. the idea of having to refer elsewhere for finger nail cutting i would have found embarrassing to explain in hospital notes. i would resent anything like that turning me into a jobsworth (does that word 'jobsworth' cross the oceans?)
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