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  1. fishpod Well-Known Member

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    hi i saw apair of flip flops today where the foot is cast scanned and the body of the flip flop is cut to mirror the foot. they were very comfy and i thought quite cool. they can be made in any colour/ density.Anybody else seen these.
  2. RobinP Well-Known Member

    No but I'll be interested to hear about them if anyone knows. Only replying so that I keep informaed in this thread......and yes I did read the thread about subscribing to threads without actually posting. I just like the sound of my...own....typing?
  3. Lab Guy Well-Known Member

    Interesting concept. Mill out a full length EVA shell and attach straps. I will have to experiment with it.

  4. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    l have seen them both here in Australia and Germany when l was over there, quite a few colours from memory
  5. fishpod Well-Known Member

    dear lab guy and boots n all. the flip flops had ahard durable sole adhered to the eva . THey are manufactured by schein a german company they are doing me asample pair so next week i might look uber cool on siesta beach. i will post a product report later.
  6. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    The ones l am talking about have being producing them for a few years now
  7. Nilsen Active Member

    Why do we need direct milled flip flops?
  8. Lab Guy Well-Known Member

    Why do we need direct milled flip flops?

    Flip Flops by and large do not offer much support. There are some on the market that do have support in the arch area. Imagine having the ability to wear a custom made EVA full length orthotic with a firm rubber outersole and straps attached to make it a flip flop. People with foot problems would like them so they would not be a prisoner to their enclosed walking shoes/orthotics, especially in the summer.

    They have flip flobs with removable foot beds as well to insert an orthotic (Naot) and they are very popular.

  9. AThandi Welcome New Poster

    Hi do you know where you can buy these flip flops from??
  10. fishpod Well-Known Member

    salts healthcare birmingham gill donlon
  11. gaittec Active Member

    FootMill is a software program able to design many types of custom footbeds, positives, etc.
    It will produce custom Flip-flops. It even designs the cutouts for the straps.

    Anybody with access to a CNC table, who just has to make one, I can send you the g-code free if you send me a scan in any standard format. I'll need a few details about the table and endmill used also.

    Anyone who wants to purchase the program, send me a private message.

  12. fishpod Well-Known Member

    flip flops arrived and were great had them done in stokes colours for the cup final unfortunateley we lost well done man city . very comfy superb fit
  13. RobinP Well-Known Member

    Recently tried wearing the Orthaheel orthotic sandals(from Canonbury). As I wear Vasyli Howard Danenberg orthotics, they suit me down to the ground. They don't offer as good a control as my trainers + orthoses but they reduce my PF tension enough that I can wear them all day(not that I have much of a chance to in the Isle of Man with it's scorching climate!) and not get PF pain. £30 squids - bargain. Would like to have a shot at the direct milled ones though
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