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    Electronic orthotics shoe: preventing ulceration in diabetic patients.
    Dabiri F, Vahdatpour A, Noshadi H, Hagopian H, Sarrafzadeh M.
    Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2008;2008:771-4.
  2. Jeremy Long Active Member

    This could be a nice idea, except for one significant flaw. I don't read anything regarding it's design that helps build overall patient compliance. How many patients would ditch their electronic monitoring shoes in favor of their favorite WalMart bedroom slippers as soon as they're inside the house?
  3. cwiebelt Active Member

    nice idea,
    if there could a data recorder incorporated into this as well. that wold really be helpful to see how oftern they use their specific foot wear and inserts provided.
    give some feed back on compliance.
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