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  1. Cameron Well-Known Member

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    The Museo del Traje Madrid holds a permanent collection of fashion history from early tunics, doublets, and delicately embroidered accessories of the 16th century through the French influence of the Bourbon and Napoleonic eras of the 18th and 19th centuries, up to great 20th-century couturiers like Fortuny, Balenciaga, and Dior, as well as contemporary designers like Montana and Miyake. The museum features hands-on fabric displays and clever body-distorting mirrors with the opportunity to try on modern reproductions of corsets, hoops skirts, clunky boots. There are two current exhibitions. Throughout August, “Stiletto Heels: Charm and Fascination,” traces the evolution of spike heels from their birth in the early 1950s in the town of Vigevano, Italy. The second exhibition, “100% 20th Century” is an indulgent run through the museum’s closet of 20th-century couture, from Paul Poiret to Tom Ford.

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