< Birmingham Metropoliton College | Brighton Vs Salford >
  1. podwannabe Welcome New Poster

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    As I am planning a change of career (from med lab) and hoping to get a place on a BSc Podiatry in the UK, I am currently reading as many texts and journal articles as possible. I am a journal junkie!! ;)

    Would anybody like to list their favourite article? I'm looking for articles that intrigued, confirmed or maybe even amused!
    Ideally not one that you, yourself wrote but one that you felt was important or memorable for some reason.

    Please list the article and why it made such an impression on you...

  2. My all time favourite: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6863812

    Why did it make such an impression on me.......? I guess for a lot of reasons, not least for it's comedic value.
  3. In all seriousness, this is probably the paper which has had the greatest influence on my thought processes ever. Simply because it lead me to the early work of a like minded anarchist...


    I found Daryl and Roy's paper at the same time I found the orgasm paper, same day, same library session (old school, we actually sat and went through journals by hand back then :eek:), I used the reference list to find Kevin's stuff... Game over, here was someone talking the mechanics I'd learned at "a" level and applying it to the foot. No one had done that at undergraduate level for me (perhaps because I hadn't attended that many lectures because basically they were dull to me, and I was twenty years old at the time!- where the lecturers dull or was it just me? Certainly they didn't engage me so much that I wanted to attend... what does that tell y'all... in the modern world if you ain't engaging with your paying public, they may well have something to say about it- right?). Years later......... when the anarchists of the old school become the mainstream, do they become the establishment that the new breed want to rebel against...? Lets hope so.
  4. Doea anyone have a copy ?

    JAPMA online only has the abstract - would love to see the full text.
< Birmingham Metropoliton College | Brighton Vs Salford >

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