< Extra bone and Bone spur removal UNDER big toe? | Cut the skin near toe now it hurts >
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    Hello I had a long oblique fracture of the fifth metatarsal 5 months ago. Displaced but not enough to require immediate surgery. It was treated with a hard soled boot, and I was told it was "healing slowly." It has not healed, now has a fibrous union and some very small bony bridges.
    I can walk and run somewhat on the foot. I feel a little pain after running, but nothing urgent. One doc I have consulted recommends surgery, another doc says not really necessary unless it's hurting. But I am...

    Fibrous nonunion fifth metatarsal - to operate or not to operate?

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< Extra bone and Bone spur removal UNDER big toe? | Cut the skin near toe now it hurts >

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