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  1. Mikeg Welcome New Poster

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    I have been tested for a fingernail fungus for 9 months by my primary physician and then dermatologist. I've taken terbinafine hcl 250mg and ciclopirox and there's been no improvement. My nails look gross. I have a really good Podiatrist but I'm not sure if it's appropriate to call for fingernails even though a nail is a nail. What say you?
  2. Callaghan Welcome New Poster

    Hi. Same for me except it has been a little longer than 9 months! First of all, you will have to come to terms with the fact that you are in this for the long haul. There is no easy solution. I have avoided taking oral medication because I dont want to resort to that, not yet. Let me say that I have tried all the pharmacutical solutions, to no avail. I have made up my own solution and finally I am having results, but you must be able to devote time and patience. Here it is:

    - Dr Nails. I buy this on Amazon. At this point let me say that the fungus had taken hold of most of my finger nails ( horror of all horrors) and with this product, I managed to clear the fungus in all of my nails but four. You have to apply it systematically three times a Day, without fail. The product comes with a nail file. You have to file your nails at least once a week to allow the fluid to penetrate the nail, because unlike a skin fungus, the fungus under the nail is hard to get at. It propogates very easily and the cosy conditions under the nail provide an ideal home for it. The fungus has taken up residence and is going nowhere without a fight. Some reinforcements required:

    - my own recipe. Mix in a small bowl, one full teaspoon of soda, half teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, 5 drops of tea tree oil
    - stir into a paste
    - apply to all fingernails using a spoon. You will see that it will very quickly dry into a paste over your nails. Leave it for as long as you can, all natural ingredients so no worries! You decide how often you wish to apply it.
    It is working for me so far to clear these final 4 nails.

    One last piece of advice... You will feel so good once you have conquered the fungus, like winning a battle. Dont give up there. Your nails after this treatment will be lovely and white and strong. Keep treating your nails even after the fungus has lost its hold. Those pesky fungi have a habit of returning once you have taken your attention off them!
    Good luck..
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