< Neuropathic patient with ulcer - anymore I could do? | Effect of compression bandaging on walking >
  1. grosit01 Member

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    Has anyone had any clinical experience first hand using Flaminal????
  2. pamelachen Member


    Yes I have used Flaminal Hydro and Forte numerous times within a multidisciplinary foot clinic setting. Flaminal Hydro and Forte are usually indicated for sloughy wounds I find; the difference between Hydro and Forte is in their alginate content. Forte has a higher alginate content than Hydro so I tend to use it on moderately exuding wounds. Usually they are used in combination with a secondary dressing (foam or absorbent pad-type). Typically the dressings are left on for 3-4 days then changed by community nurses.
  3. Pes Perfectus Member

    I use Flaminal all the time and think it is fantastic. Its certainly made a big difference to some of the long-term wounds that the community nurses where I work were dressing with other products (although those wounds have also benefitted from podiatric involvement...!)


    has links to some studies that have been done about its efficacy etc if you are interested
  4. grosit01 Member

    Cheers for the feed back, we are just trialing it now, I'll let you know how we go :)
< Neuropathic patient with ulcer - anymore I could do? | Effect of compression bandaging on walking >

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