< Severe cellulitus of the foot | gout pain >
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    hi i hope someone may be able to give me some help.. i'm 22 and my daughter is now 2 yrs and 4 months..and is not walking.she has been to the...

  2. Sally Smillie Active Member

    Is she not under a paediatric physiotherapist and probably a paediatrician? I would think any child not walking by 18 months would be investigated to see why.

    First things I would be asking are pregnancy and birth history, any medical diagnoses and developmental milestones. Can she sit, does she move at all and how?

    Speak to your GP and get referred. Good luck,
  3. Sally Smillie Active Member

    OK, I rushed that a little and have seen the rest of the thread on the Foot Health Forum and seen the rest of the discussion and I would agree with many. I would get the rest of the medical / neuro stuff sorted out first, you need to see what is underlying.

    In my epxerience, big old boots are often over-prescribed and actually do nothing for foot posture. On foot posture, I have seen many feet like described and it does usually help them get past the hump of pulling-to-stand to walking. All that aside, by that age medical issues are probably a more significant factor. Simple UCBL orthoses can help with stability and can get them more mobile. If her stability is that severe, the foot orthoses as well as boots are a good combination, unless the weight of the boots is too much of a burden.

    All the best
< Severe cellulitus of the foot | gout pain >

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