< Embryonic development in the human foot | Rehabilitative treatment in flexible flatfoot: a perspective cohort study. >
  1. dhodgkin Member

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    Hi all,

    We're auditing (as you do) review rates for footwear and insole provision. I have searched on this wonderful resource and elsewhere for normative values on the rates of foot growth with age. Maybe I'm lacking the texts in my limited library, maybe I only managed a man look ("an orthotist look" it's known as where I work), but clear guidance is hard to find. All I want is the rate at which the foot grows with age to compare our data set against?!

    Google throws up

    Wenger et al. Foot Growth Rate in Children Age One to Six Years; Foot Ankle Int January 1983 3: 207-210
    Gould et al. Foot Growth in Children Age One to Five Years; Foot Ankle Int February 1990 10: 211-213

    both of which only cover the younger ages.

    Any help gratefully appreciated. I'm sure it must be easier to find this information than I think.

    Ta vm,

  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    I not sure there is any data ...
  3. dhodgkin Member

    Oh. (sad emoji face) But shurely...
  4. But kids feet grow at all different rates and all different times what you can do is either get the patients back every 6 months- 12 or every 2 sizes of growth, you could do 1 size change but not sure if the patient is asymptomatic a slightly small device matters
  5. dhodgkin Member

    Hi Mike;

    Which we do; but pressure is always to prove that reviews are worthwhile - where I am it's all about the waiting list. In my experience paediatric services either review after x months (so it may be a wasted appointment if nothing's changed) or send the parent home with general guidance for growth and what to look for and give us a call when things change. And kids grow in fits and starts, so you give general expectations based on experience with all the usual caveats. But it would be nice to have some backup.
  6. How can you if as you say
    and kids will all be different
< Embryonic development in the human foot | Rehabilitative treatment in flexible flatfoot: a perspective cohort study. >

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