< Dorsalis pedis pulse | Psychotherapy and diabetic foot complications >
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    A patent has just been granted for this:
    Foot inspection mirror
    Link to patent
  2. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Mirrors! gad! .... The pts that need to check their feet usually have visual problems, so mirrors are usually useless and pose a threat as they easily break, usually shattering, especially when being manipulated into strange positions. How many pod's have removed pieces of mirrors, broken cups etc from feet. I can recall several. Frig mirrors, if they haven't got a spouse, neighbour, carer who can check out their feet (foot raised onto chair. bed etc) then don't bother. Love to y'all, mark c
  3. I agree Mark, the whole thing is plain daft.

    the reasons for most of my patients engage my services are 'not being able to see there feet, so how a mirror would be of any help.
  4. bkelly11 Active Member

    What if eye sight is fine and the patient finds it really uncomfortable to check their feet. A mirror sounds like a sensible compromise ??. I didn't patent it.
  5. ely Member

    There have been foot inspection mirrors before (there's one in the Briggate catalogue, I'm sure there must be others)... It sounds like the distinguishing feature of the new patent is using multiple mirrors? Good luck to the inventor anyway.
  6. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Got to reply.
    If the visual acuity is sufficient then yes the pt would be capable of assessing their feet, however, the potential for breakages still exist.
    How many pts that need to have their feet inspected, the "high risk" category pt, would have sufficient visual acuity. Methinks not too many.
    Play it safe, get the pt to place their foot on bed or chair and have partner, friend, neighbour, carer, milkman check them.

    All the best, mark c
  7. bkelly11 Active Member

    What if the milkmans not available?? Methinks, encouage all diabetics to check their feet daily. CAREFULLY
  8. Trent Baker Active Member

    I have to agree with Mark on this. Mirrors are a danger, you can't trust patients with a high risk foot type with anything that increase their risk of injury.

    If they can't check it safely then don't bother. Get to your friendly local podiatrist on a regular basis. Or get to the GP for a regular check up. Between the two they should be reasonably well covered.

  9. bkelly11 Active Member

    Trent and Mark.

    I am merely suggesting that using a mirror to check your feet ain't a bad idea. I never once mentioned a high risk foot. I live and work in the country. Some clinics i service once a fortnight and others once a month and nearest towns can be 100k away ( So travelling to see friendly me is a hassle to say the least).

    Some patients are Diabetic and some are not, most of them are elderly who can,t maintain their own feet. Or by their own omission, can't reach them or stay down their long enough to maintain them before they fall over.
  10. bkelly11 Active Member

    Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

  11. Trent Baker Active Member

    Dear bkelly,

    Are there many elderly people living by themselves, who are not mobile enough to reach their feet and are 100km away from anyone that can check their feet for them? If so I reckon they might have a few more problems to deal with than checking the plantar aspect of their low risk feet.

  12. bkelly11 Active Member

    Trent my dear fellow.

    I have a young gentleman. 80 years of age, who lives in the bush by himself 12k outside his nearest LOCAL town which is 150k from me.

    Type 2 diabetic. Both 1st and 5th ray previously amputated who i see once a month with actice ulceration under his R/3rd Mt head at the moment.

    This gentleman uses a mirror everyday to check his feet, then checks in with the bush nursing home nurses to keep them up to date (pus, colour, pain, etc).

    A very stubborn old man who will not take any advice and will not leave his home/farm as its his home, who yes has many other issues which could compound the complications he already has.

    The use of a mirror in this situation is very usefull and preventative.

    What else can you do Trent???
  13. Trent Baker Active Member

    bkelly, I love a retort, this is great. I think you have me here, lol. I would have to ask though if this old coot is the exception?

  14. bkelly11 Active Member

  15. Trent Baker Active Member

    This looks like a great product. I emailed them to find out if they have distribution in Australia. See what comes from good old fashioned banter.

  16. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Yep, if they haven't anyone else capable of inspecting their feet then this flexible mirror seems to be a suitable second-best for those with 20/20. Thanks for the reference.

    But for those who haven't then,
    You're right, I did

    So this is where we dissent
    "High risk" patients are those that NEED to have their feet inspected.
    mark c
  17. bkelly11 Active Member

    I Don't Dissent Mark.

    I Just encouage all my patients to check their feet regularly, low risk to active foot disease.

    And if using aids gets the job done, so be it.
  18. twirly Well-Known Member

    Hello all,

    Have a thought RE: The lovely Hoops's patient in the Oz outback.

    There are certainly patients both high risk & those with no foot pathology (diagnosed) but surely even those living in isolation eat.....

    If they eat I'm only guessing here but they must either a) go shopping to a nearby town. Or b). get their food delivered.

    Therefore I suggest (in the absence of a qualified Pod') that everyone who lives interacts with at least one human being at some point in their lives on a regular basis.

    We should encourage a '' look at your neighbours feet week.''

    Am just glad I never felt drawn to G/U medicine....... :D
  19. Trent Baker Active Member

    This is a truely inspirational idea. Take the lead Twirly, I have your back :D
  20. bkelly11 Active Member

    Sounds good Twirly. Problem is can't get him to check his own never mind his neighbours :bash:.

    Are you suggesting he whips of the slippers in the supermarket at the checkout??

    Hey doll have a goose at these??

    He has a volunteer who does his shopping for him. Lucky for the check out staff.

    thanks for the reply anyway Twirly.:rolleyes:
  21. Trent Baker Active Member

    I'd be happy to check out my neighbours feet. Mind you, she's a 21 year old blonde with a pes cavus to die for!
  22. twirly Well-Known Member

    That's the ticket Trent.

    See, & some would think my suggestion daft.

    PS. If she shows you hers, she may be happy to have a peep at yours too. :empathy:

    Don't you just love it when people run with an idea. ;)
  23. Trent Baker Active Member

    I'm here to learn twirly. Thanks for the tip, i'll keep you posted on the progress. ;)
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