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  1. rabzash Member

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    just wondering whether anyone knows about how valid the foot posture index is to use and maybe the pro's and con's of it?

    any help would be appreciated :)
  2. Griff Moderator

  3. Griff Moderator

  4. B. Englund Active Member

    FPI-6 is a very good educational tool to visualize what is going on in a pronated vs a supinated foot. Meanwhile intra-rater agreement (same rater) is high the inter-rater agreement (between-raters) is questionable.

    See .e.g.

    (Cornwall, M. W. , McPoil, T. G., Lebec, M., Vicanzio, B. & Wilson, J. (2008). Reliability of the modified Foot posture index. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 98(1), 7-13.)

    As Ian said id quick and good to give an overall picture of foot posture. Be carefull to use it between clinicians though.

    Just my thoughts

  5. Griff Moderator

    Sorry Rabzash - Bjorn is right. When I referred to it's reliability I should have specified that I was referring to intra-observer reliability. I have actually just finished collecting data for a small research project myself and it certaily seems to suggest that inter-observer reliability of FPI-6 was not great.

    PM me if you want a copy of the JAPMA paper above and I'll email it to you.

  6. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  7. Sally Smillie Active Member

    Ferrari and Morrison just published a paper recently on the inter-rater reliability of two clinicians of 30 children.

    That is just one of many publications on the reliability of the FPI. use Medline or CINAHL and do a search and you'll find what you're after
  8. rabzash Member

    thanks sally!
  9. rabzash Member

    Hi i was just wondering whether anyone knows any information about

  10. Griff Moderator

    This should answer that - but don't forget about subject specificity/individual variations

    Attached Files:

  11. Sally Smillie Active Member

    FPI never claimed to be anything other than a measure/quantifier of posture. In stance.

    We skate onto thin ice when we try to attribute more to a tool than it is capable of delivering. I am a fan of the FPI, but I have respect for it's limitations. It's good at what it is, but it's better to stick to it's strengths and use it for what it is.

    However, I too dream of a measure that will give us objectively what we want. But this is barking up the wrong tree I think. One day.....
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