< Prevalance of Hallux Limitus? | Obesity as a risk factor for neuropathy >
  1. nicholas Member

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    What would the correct orthosis for a forefoot supinatus with a painful hallux limitus.

    ? would you post the medial rearfoot to prevent it from eveting and use a Mortons extension to reduce motion at the 1st mtpj, or could you post the medial rearfoor and also post the lateral aspect of the forefoot to encourage the medial column to plantarflex whilst at the same time splinting the 1st mtpj with some kind of shaft type pad to reduce reduce motion
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    If the hallux limitus is structural:
    if the hallux limitus is functional:
    Also manipulate entire medial column and first ray if functional.
  3. nicholas Member

    if the hallux limitus is functional in what manner do you manipulate the entire medial column and 1st ray
  4. Craig Payne Moderator

    To mobilise the MPJ, met-cune & cune-navic joints.....
< Prevalance of Hallux Limitus? | Obesity as a risk factor for neuropathy >

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