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    Four-week habituation to simulated barefoot running improves running economy when compared with shod running.
    Warne JP, Warrington GD.
    Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2012 Dec 17.
  2. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. Craig Payne Moderator

    Most other related studies on barefoot v shoe running economy were acute interventions. This one was following a 4 week acclimatization ... I not yet seen the full paper, but all appears good, but nothing on effect sizes in the abstract.
  4. SeasonsChange Member

    So all this study is saying is that barefoot running makes you more economical at running barefoot?

    How did 4 weeks of SBR affect running economy while shod?
  5. Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    Would like to read the full study....
  6. It would be like doing a study on people who had never bicycled, measured their heart rate and oxygen uptake the first few times they learned to ride their bicycle and then again measuring their heart rate and oxygen uptake after they had practiced bicycling for four weeks. Standard neuromuscular conditioning theory for any athletic activity states that increased practice at an activity will make the athlete more metabolically efficient at that activity.

    Therefore, does this study tell us anything new? No. The experimental results are exactly what would be expected.
  7. SeasonsChange Member

    I won't be including any barefoot drills into my training any time soon! I'll just stick to plyometrics for increasing lower leg stiffness and RE.

  8. Craig Payne Moderator

    @SeasonsChange - that study you are quoting is the same one that this thread was started with. What you are quoting is an abstract on the research from the ACSM conference.

    HOWEVER, there are some differences between that abstract and the abstract of the published version.... need to look into that further as it does raise a red flag about the nature of the analysis that they did.

    Need to look into this further.
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  10. NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Transitioning to minimalist footwear to improve running economy — A randomised controlled trial
    K. Lindlein, A. Zech, A. Zoch, K.-M. Braumann, K. Hollander'
    Article in Press
  11. Craig Payne Moderator

    "Although not reaching statistical significance, training in MFW compared to CRS resulted in small to moderate improvements in RE."

    No statistical difference = there is no difference …. talk about displaying preconceived biases to claim there is a trend … when there is no difference ...
  12. there is difference when you want it to be ( or something like that

    re minds of the that tweet I cc you and Ian

  13. NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Transitioning to Barefoot Running Using a Minimalist Shoe Intermediary: A Prospective Cohort Study
    Mills, Kathryn; Collins, Natalie J.; Vicenzino, Bill
    Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise ():10.1249/MSS.0000000000003111, December 28, 2022.
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