< Casting technique | Why don't humans gallop when they run? >
  1. wdd Well-Known Member

  2. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

    Related Threads:
    A midtarsal break in the human foot?
    The Foot and Ankle of Australopithecus sediba
  3. drsha Banned

    This article calls for screening to locate and treat the extreme members of the flexible forefoot functional foot type before, during or after they begin complaining or deforming.

  4. wdd Well-Known Member

    Rather than categorising it as a potential pathology perhaps flexible forefoot would be a positive attribute in certain occupations and activities, such as tree surgeon, scaffolder, mountain climber even pole dancer in fact any activity where at a push you might be called upon to do the equivalent of scratch behind your ear with your big toe.

  5. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    More poor science (or should that be pseudoscience) expounded by the BBC.

    I have not come across anyone of my human patients that come anywhere close to resembling a primate's midtarsal break... & certainly nothing resembling the morphology of a primate ("ape-like") foot...

    ... & what if these imaginative, bias researcher's visual assessments were sincere... would it be more valid that the 1/13 (of 398) was a case of "guilt by association" (to "ape-like feet"), "genetic entropy", "Tib. Post. Dysfunction" (???)... per chance. One thing should make logical sense for any human brain... this trait being discussed in what is now 2013 isn't consistent with any speculated primate or human lineage (however you want to look at it) pertaining to the evidential bankrupt view of speculated human evolution (in association with presumed primate fossil candidates from a speculated 2 million year time frame).

    I would suggest that the researchers (palaeoanthropologists) & the BBC "get a grip" on reality... & that of real science!
  6. drsha Banned

    The closest that I have ever worked with would be Down's Syndrome. Any in agreement?

  7. BEN-HUR Well-Known Member

    Interesting you should state that 'drsha' (albeit potentially controversial in light of the subject matter i.e. primate/human/evolution & subsequently one's standing [excuse the pun] within this debasing paradigm). As I was writing that post, feet I saw just yesterday came to my mind - they were broad, had a fairly large 1st cleft space (i.e. space between the 1st & 2nd digits) & of a Pes Planus foot type... the feet were of a Down's Syndrome patient. However, that's about where the similarity ends, particularly with regard to the research in question. There was no midtarsal break & the foot functions fairly well for this patient's habitual bipedal gait. This patient only comes to me once every 5-6 months for nail issues (has never reported any biomechanical related issues).

    I do try & remind myself not to get involved in these type of discussions these days (i.e. evolution related) as they can invoke heated discussion/emotions (& my intentions are never to annoy people)... but it's just I find the above type of research (& reporting) non-evidence based, bias & highly speculative (to say the least)... all of which pertaining to a topic that is important to each & every one of us - where do we come from (& I don't want to be "religious" or invoke such in any way). I just believe in something that is apparently rather controversial - that is, evidence suggest that humans have always been human (& subjected to genetic entropy)... as opposed to evolving from some less complicated life form eons ago, amassed billions of bits & bytes of genome information/data/coding in remarkably conducive & sometimes symbiotic fashion (from who knows where within a naturalistic paradigm), to a give rise to a primate & then to a vastly more intelligent, efficient bipedal human being (Homo sapiens). One would logically think (even if you didn't believe) that such evidence/opinion would be welcoming/encouraging/uplifting - good news... to realise that we may not be the result of by-chance naturalistic processes... but the potential possibility of a designer of immense intelligence (darn, now I've put my foot in it :craig:... again).

    [sorry for :deadhorse: on this thread - albeit related to the subject matter. I'll stop here]
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