< NHS tells veteran 'get a neighbour to cut your toenails' | 16% of nurses have visited a Podiatrist >
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    NewsShopper are reporting:
    Gran ‘waiting to die’ over toenail dispute
  2. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. andymiles Active Member

    a"weekly" visit, i think not

    always ones with least need that make the biggest noise.... :mad:

    also had that particular trust mounted some sort of MI5 undercover Surveillance operation that lead to her being photographed out and about?
  4. NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The Salisbury Journal are reporting:
    Blind couple have all foot care stopped
  5. An interesting ethical question raised fairly regularly when these cases come up here.

    Are we responsible for getting the patients' treated or simply for offering a service?

    If it is the former we have to do whatever is necessary to get the chiropodist and the patient in the same room. If the latter then they have a degree of responsibility.

    How did she use the scooter if it was disabled :confused:

    Private chiropody every 3 months costs less than buying two lottery tickets every week. Funny how she is sitting "waiting to die" rather than pay that. I wonder if she is "waiting to die" with her hair done, feeding her cat, smoking, playing the lottery or doing anything else that costs £2 per week?

    Very brave to go out on her scooter then! What if she'd had a flat tyre?

    This REALLY ticks me off! The trust limits funding and demands we only see certain patient groups then when you apply a policy you hate and it causes embarrassment they go fawning to the patient and the press apologising on your behalf and making it look like it's your fault! It's happened here and you see it elsewhere. Nice to know you have the trust behind you! You might as well just paint a damn great target with a "your knife here" label. They have all the inherent morality of a puff adder! :mad:

    Deep breaths. Calming down.

  6. Stanley Well-Known Member

    Sorry for my late entry into this. I don't know what these patients are complaining about.
    Here in the states, the doctor is not obligated to go the house. If a patient is house bound, then it is their responsibility to find someone. The they would have to meet the criteria from Medicare to get their toe nails cut: Poor circulation due to a systemic disease which is being monitiored by an MD every 3 months, OR mycotic nails that are painful.

    Neither the gran waiting to die, nor the blid couple would qualify according to Medicare guidelines, and they would have to call a podiatrist that does house calls and pay cash for the service.


  7. Katherine Thompson Welcome New Poster

    stats Re: Gran ‘waiting to die’ over toenail dispute

    Hi folks, happy Thursday!

    I'm holding a seminar on Podiatry for Orthopods next month and I need some stats on Podiatry NHS waiting times for them, how/when Orthopods refer, paricularly relating to musculoskeletal Podiatry. Does anyone know where I can find this information? I work in the private sector and have done for years so I'm a bit behind on the info. Thanks
  8. W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    Hello Katherine and welcome.

    This message should be a new post (go to home).

    Please invite the Orthopods to refer their foot surgery to me. I guarantee that you will get a 'warm' welcome from them!

    Bill Liggins
  9. davidh Podiatry Arena Veteran

    :D :D :D
< NHS tells veteran 'get a neighbour to cut your toenails' | 16% of nurses have visited a Podiatrist >

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