< Subungual Corn: a tender pigmented subungual lesion in older people | Advice needed >
  1. markjohconley Well-Known Member

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    As per title, does anyone know of any research which examines regrowth rate, comparing b/pna's to tna's? thanks, mark
  2. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    That title should read, "Do ...."
  3. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    From threads on PA it seems regrowth post partial nail avulsion with phenolisation (PNA) is 2-6%.
    I should have asked do any clinicians perform total nail avulsions (TNA)?
    Why I ask is on the limited number of procedures I have done, I have had regrowth with some of the PNA's but never with a TNA, any anecdotal evidence, personal opinions?
  4. mburton Active Member

    Hi Mark
    I do nail surgery most weeks - mostly partials, sometimes bilateral partials and sometimes totals. Just from memory there is an occasional regrowth in totals (2-6% seems about right), but I would say less than that for partials.
    I have however previously experienced, both in my own and other pods' patients a failed partial caused by incomplete section of the nail before phenolisation. I used to only use Thwaites nippers to section the offending nail, now I use a Beaver blade - this makes a much neater section but you can get a bit of post op bleeding.
    Sorry I can't give you figures - we audited pre/post op pain and patient satisfaction last year, but not regrowth.
  5. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Thanks mburton, just what I wanted to know, mark
< Subungual Corn: a tender pigmented subungual lesion in older people | Advice needed >

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