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  1. Dawn Thomas Member

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    Hi New to this site. Any ideas where I can find research-based evidence on monofilament testing sites. Our current practice is now to test on only 3 sites ( I was originally taught to test 10 sites many moons ago!!! then 5 !!!) I would like to find out when and why it is considered acceptable to use only 3 sites. Thanks,
  2. Gibby Active Member

    We use 9 sites with a 5.07 Symmes-Weinstein monofilament.
    There are journal articles, based on our CD-LEAP (Comprehensive Diabetes- Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention) Program.
    You can find these through the internet- LSU Diabetic Foot Program, or check with the CMS/Medicare website-
  3. Dawn Thomas Member

    Many thanks for your reply. I am a Community Specialist Podiatrist working with a large Health Authority in Wales, UK. and currently we only use 3 sites - although I was taught to use 10. My question arose from a recent question posed by a local Nurse Practitioner who is in the process of setting up a training module for her nursing staff in their monitoring/ screening of Diabetics. She also had been advised that the currnt practice is to use only 3 sites for testing with the monofilament but her sites differed from those that I had been instructed to use. She quite rightly wanted evidence-based research to back up her training and on checking on the internet I stumbled onto this useful site. I am going to follow up on your suggested articles. Thank you again.
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