< Enthusiastic Podiatrist Wanted | Terrific Podiatrist Position - Tasmania (Gradates Welcome) >
  1. nickw Member

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    Dear Colleagues,

    I have recently moved to Sydney and am having trouble finding work. I have 4 years post graduate experience and have worked part time wund care, part time MSK for the past 2 years. Im a committed, hard worker and have accrued a considerable amount of knowledge and would be an asset to any team.
    Im soon going to have to look for alternative employment which really depresses me so any advice or leads anyone could give me would be so very much appreciated.

    Thanks all.
  2. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    WOw I thought pods were short every where. :eek:
    I am sure you will get offers shortly.
    Have you let your NSW office know you are available?
    Down here in Vic our office used to maybe still does have a list of those looking for work?
    Also have you checked the newletters both Nat and State?

    Good luck

  3. nickw Member

    Dear Heather,

    Thank you so much for the response. Its greatly appreciated. I think i panicked a bit last week but i have had contact with a couple of practices and am attending an interview this week.

    Thanks again

  4. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Good Luck;)

< Enthusiastic Podiatrist Wanted | Terrific Podiatrist Position - Tasmania (Gradates Welcome) >

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