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HELP with biomechanical assessment form

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by pod-student, Oct 4, 2015.

  1. pod-student

    pod-student Welcome New Poster

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    I'm a 2nd year student

    We have a biomechanics assignment where we complete a biomech form on a partner
    These are my partners results on her right foot

    STJN = 5 VL
    INV = 18, EV = 13
    FF position = 4 VR
    Ankle DF = 3
    Tibial position = 5 VR
    NCSP = 1 VR
    RCSP = 5 VL
    NCSP check = 1 VR

    Compensated RF and FF, maybe equinus?

    The only thing which has got me is the STJN of 5 VL, was expecting VR? Can someone help me understand this please!!
  2. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    Do you mind me asking which university you are studying at?
  3. Rob Kidd

    Rob Kidd Well-Known Member

    I would advise that you consider carefully the error associated with your measurements. Also I would advise you to consider the functional implications of your findings, rather than simply produce a table of numbers. How did you arrive at the figure of STN= 5 Valgus? If it was via some variety of 1/3:2/3 calculation I would advise you to look carefully at the scientific credibility of such a method.
  4. I would ask the Teacher why you are doing this type of assessment in the 1st place, then put into question all of Rob?s statements above

    If you get an answer along the line of Historical perspective looking at measurement error and getting to know the foot better etc etc then ok (ish)

    If you get an answer along the line of this is how we assess a foot to then look at what treatment is required, I might suggest that the " teacher " needs to consider how they teach biomechanics

    I would not suggest that you say that to said teacher but you are more that welcome to say that I said it ;)

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