< Restrictions to UK surgical practice | NHS staff asked to work for free >
  1. natgak Welcome New Poster

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    I'm Natalia Garcia Acosta I am a Spanish Chiropodist with fourteen years experience.I'm from Barcelona but actually I live in Murcia. Since I live here I have been working with English people in my own consult. My family and I are thinking of going to the Uk to work because it could be a good opportunity to improve our English and for my daughters' future. I would like to ask for some information about the procedures to follow to apply for a job. Besides, It could be interesting to know how is the situation in our sector.
    Thanks in advance.
  2. akibs Member

    Hi Natalia
    Welcome to Podiatry Arena
    I'm a british Podiatrist living in Toulouse, not so far away from you.
    Podiatry in the UK is a closed profession unless you have a minimum qualification. It would be worth phoning the membership department of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists on 0845 450 3741/3722. They should be able to advise you on your eligibility to work and get insured in the UK. Jobs are advertised on their website and on this forum too.

    Once you know you can work, there are three ways of working, private practice, the National Health Service or Locuming, which may be a mixture of both. To be honest it's difficult getting a job in the UK, especially in the NHS. Unemployment is high, the same as in Spain. There is very little money in the economy and people are cautious to spend.

    If I can help more please let me know. Bona sort
< Restrictions to UK surgical practice | NHS staff asked to work for free >

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