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  1. alex4mcneil Welcome New Poster

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    I'm a second year student, I have an IPE presentation to do. I was going to do diabetes but someone in class has stole my idea. I'm considering doing doing patient's with HIV what do you think. Comments much appreciated.


  2. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Why not. A significant risk for podiatrists. I have no idea of the incidence of exposure, but I was one, ~ 2000 had a 'needle-stick' (scalpel blade) when debriding an ulcer of a young gent of indigenous decent who had HIV and Hep C. I was on AZT (can't remember any other anti-viral medication) for 12/12 and had lots of 'bloods' done. The most important, i was told, was at the 2/12 post-exposure.
    I donated blood from my university days (you'd get a free meal and drink) till I had a TB scare (I was exposed whilst working at an 'Aboriginal' reserve at Wreck Bay ((one of the prettiest spots south coast of NSW) and was on medication, also, for 12/12 Rifampicin??? Interestingly, the 'Red Cross Blood Bank" would not and still have not let me donate since. I have queried why and have been told (hard copy somewhere) that they wouldn't accept after a TB exposure though the HIV exposure was OK. Go figure.
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