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Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by Pauline burrell-saward, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. Pauline burrell-saward

    Pauline burrell-saward Active Member

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    treat lots of V/P ( in PP its what you do).

    have always had Nitrous oxide which while not the only treatment was a good option.

    last year bought the cropen, it was wonderful in that the tip is so small I could treat with little "spill" so making compliance good.

    however it wa like "toppsy"" when it was good it was very good when it was bad it was horrid"

    Sometimes when loading, the gas would empty it got really embarassing as I never knew what it would do, spent a fortune in gas.(£100's)

    so gave up and returned it with a loss.

    however I really miss the option and just have S/A left and my clear up rates have taken a dip.

    so thinking of trying again, any suggestions??? still like the cryo but it expensive if i'm going to have the same problems.

    Seen advert forCropspray59 ( liquid nitrogen in can).

    any comments would be appriciated, apart from the inevitable to treat or not
  2. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    you need a storage dewar and a spray with tips and probes minus 200 degrees as used by pods dermatologists and gps the pens and cans are rubbish you need good gear to do a good job.

    regards fishpod about 600 for gun about 600 for dewar then an annual contract to fill the dewar.
  3. AngieR

    AngieR Active Member

    I would love to know the size of the dewar for £600, I have been told a replacement for my 35 litre one will be in excess of £1500! I have just bought 3 spare nozzles for £180.

    On a positive note, agree with comments so far and wouldn't swap my Liquid Nitrogen for anything less. I tried the Cryopen at a colleagues, and as with Sue, couldn't get on with it and was glad I wad only using it for the one day!

    My cryo supplier is a fabulous bloke and as it is his company he works hard to keep his customers happy, especially if you offer chocolate biscuits. :cool: If you want his details I would be happy to share.

  4. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    dewars loads second hand 1 sitting next to my computer will be on e bay shortly guns also about used . so happy hunting sold 1. 6 months ago for bull semen storage seems farmers better customers than medical people as i always say in my posts think outside the box this gear can come from gp surgeries all sorts of places i have a 600 quid gun in a cuboard as good as new belongs to gps but they dont even use it and never will . i know a dewar in my dining room looks slightly odd. regards fishpod
  5. dsfeet

    dsfeet Active Member

    yes my recommendation is NOT to try the cyro pen , although i found it effective and easy to use , would avoid buying it. the company who sold me mine , was to say the least not good. first it was my fault ......using it wrong, when it was established that wasn't the case , then their was some excuse about not protecting the tip, wrong, talked in to a spare, bills for replacing tip, try a newer model that has less problems...so it went on, Now it is all about not using a b-class sterilizer ,with comments that any less than a b-class is not aust standards. now we use the b-class from the hospital for the tip,the next excuse is (the two old tips still dont work) and now they say it is all out of warranty and won't replace the tips........Will i use this company again NO

    so be careful , they are happy to sell, with NO indication you have to use a b=class autoclave, and there is no followup . we fought this over and over....given up just won't use this company again. Looking into the DEWAR system.
  6. Robin Crawley

    Robin Crawley Active Member


    I bought my first cryopen as soon as it came out. I've got 2 cryopens (the original ones). One for each surgery. I had tip problems. i bought replacements at £80 a go. They got blocked. Then I thought, I'd try and unblock them myself. Nothing to lose...

    This is what you do: You boil a kettle, pour out a mug of boiling water, drop the tip into the mug, then stir it round for a while. A bubble of air will usually emerge from the tip. This is not a leg pull and it works every time for me.

    You DO need to use a filter when you use the cryopen, but I only replace the filter every couple of months, not with every gas can.

    And the gas...

    ISI (the gas can manufacturer) won't sell them to me direct I asked (thus cutting out the wholesaler). But you can get the gas cans very cheap if you look very hard. The Canonbury rep told me the Cryopen 2 was brought out to stop people like me using cheaper cans of gas (as the v2 uses a different size).

    To get good results you need to experiment a lot...
  7. dsfeet

    dsfeet Active Member

    thanks for the tips , (pun sorry), will try when? , if? i get them back. The old tips are , as of yesterday going back to manufacturer in europe, suppliers last effort to stop me complaining.........finally some action. will see what happens, Thanks again

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