< How long did it take your plantar plate injury to heal? | 5th metatarsal fracture - night symptoms >
  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Dear forum, I'm suffering terribly, I don't know what it is and don't know what could bring any relief, steroids creams help for few hours, I'm close from cutting my toes off, can't stand anymore every evening attacks of itch and pain! My GP can't help, sent me to reumatologist, I have visit in a month! I visited dermatologist privately, also didn't get any diagnose, got told to make blood tests, I made then tests for lupus coagulant, cryoglobulines and ana1 and this last one is positive so...

    I'm begging for any advise!

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< How long did it take your plantar plate injury to heal? | 5th metatarsal fracture - night symptoms >

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