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    Came across this today.

    Seems like the newest in the line of Balance, core and the P word training tools.

    May not be something to recommend to patients but looks like a workout that may end up with broken limbs.

    Heres a training video.

    and link to the website - http://www.indoboard.com/

    and if you get really good you can do this or try but make sure the insurance is payed up- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8Bfc2aZPKo&feature=related
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  2. My mate got one of these some years ago when he got into surfing. I had a go... lets just say it didn't end well for me or his living room.
  3. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    Had one as kid 40 years ago, sorry they are not new, just reinvented.

    Best advice, start with a smaller base log and build up to the larger diameter as you go, its slower and much safer that way, we didnt have any of those stops on the underside of the board like his in the video shows...cheat!
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