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    This is the first, and potentially the last, of a series of threads on patents which appeal to me and as such may appeal to you. This one is for an energy return running shoe design (see attached). Appears to be quite clever. Also try googling "Britek footwear"- although the links appear to not be functioning, you can see some pictures of pretty funky looking running shoe soles.

    These documents are pretty hard work at first but you soon "learn the language" and get to know where to find the interesting bits. I've been checking these out for some time now and there are ton's that are of interest to the biomechanically minded amongst us. I know Craig does the patent search thing too, so there are probably more patent anoraks out there- you can come out now. BTW Albert Einstein was a patent clarke- if it inspired him...

    Attached Files:

  2. admin Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Interesting patent no .1

    Podiatry Arena has a paid alerting service for new patents granted on a whole lot of different keywords. Hence the new patents in these threads:
    Patent granted for fitting system for children's footwear
    New Nike patents granted
    New wound dressing patents
    Patent granted for ingrown nail treatment
    First MPJ disorders treated with Botulinum Toxin
    Supinator strap in athletic shoe
    Patent for Gelsite

    But, you are right searching for old patents makes the patent office a 'treasure trove'
  3. admin Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Interesting patent no .1

    BTW Google Patents make it easier if you are searching for a patent.
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