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introducing podopostural therapy

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Peter W.B.Oomens, May 30, 2010.

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    my name is Peter W.B.Oomens and I have been Podopostural Therapist (PPT) in the Netherlands for about twenty years. Podopotural Therapy is a way of correcting and adjusting patients posture when they have postural complaints as e.g. (aspecific) (chronic) low back pain, knee-, foot- and anklepain. By dynamically changing their balance from the feet you can change their posture and often succefully decrease their pain.
    This therapy is known for almost 30 years also in Germany, France, Italy and other European countries. There is a close international collaboration, as well as representation in the European Parliament.

    After retiring from my practice I have been asked as chairman of the Omni Podo Genootschap, the union of Dutch therapists. Health insurance companies pay for the treatment.
    In the past I have written books and reviews, all in Dutch and I have participated in the training of new collegues. You can become PPT after a full year study and after you got a bachelor degree as e.g. bachelor physical therapy.
    I really like to start a discussion later on.
    For now, thanks for your time.
  2. Hi Peter :welcome: to Podiatry Arena. Look forward to you thread on podopostural therapy. I would suggest that any journal papers and other stuff that you have post then up as well, as some have found out Evidence and mechanical discussion are very important in new idea presentations.
    Good luck and look forward to the discussions.
  3. Half the border of the Netherlands lies along the sea. We have wide sandbeaches which invite you to walk. Studying the barefoot prints in the sand is my hobby.
    Have you ever noticed that where we find the medial arch of the foot the print in the sand is the less deep? This can not mean else that when the foot pronates there is an activity which automatically corrects this pronation.
    This brings me to a study of Benno M.Nigg in 1986, Biomechanics of running shoes, page 151-153, ISBN 0-87322-002-1, in which he concludes: 'the result that the medial support clearly did not reduce total pronation is surprising and was not expected at all. We (Nigg) expected that there would be a clear difference between (sport)shoes without and with medial support with respect to total pronation".
    One of his conclusions was that the more the medial archsupport was placed tot the rear, the most effective it was. But not more effctive than barefoot. Might it be possible that pronation is a physiological phenomenon, which normally corrects itself?
    Will be continued.
  4. What else is remarkable at the foot?
    26 small bones have to bear 50 to 100 % of the bodyweight. Looking at the columna vertebralis and the kneejoint, bones more or less are stapled, the underlying bone bears the bone above, and so on. Biomechanically this a kind of 'form closure'. Feetbones instead lies next to each other, and need to be strongly connected. The only structure that is able to do so: the intrinsic footmuscles, of course helped by the strong, plantar ligaments (only found with men!) All intrinsic, plantar foot muscles are placed in the length of the foot, except the m.obliquus transversus. Biomechanically we call this 'force closure'. The human point of gravity, with healthy people, is (standing) projected in between the inside malleolus of both feet. When people start, for whatever reason or disease, to hang forward, the toes have to grip to prevent falling; this is an activity of both extrinsic and intrinsic bending muscles. Indeed the (loaded) foot is a very sensitive part of the body, constantly controlled by the cerebellum, more than a static, rigid part of the body.
    Thereover next time.
    Thanks again fot reading.
  5. Hi Michael,

    the official website for the Podopostural Therapy in the Netherlands is http//:www.omnipodogenootschap.nl
    However it is only in dutch.

    regards, Peter W.B.Oomens
  6. Is that the only remarkable at the feet?
    No, sure not. A lot of neurologic and physiologic research has been done on the plantar side of the bare foot. Just read the conclusions of Kennedy and Inglis: Distribution and behaviour of glabrous cutaneous receptors in the human foot sole: jp.physoc.org/content/538/3/995.abstract (2002), regarding the possible role of foot sole skin receptors in standing balance and movement control.
    Anyone knows that you can walk barefoot over a rough underground, bust most of us can not stand tickling of the footsole. The foot sole is loaded with receptors that continiously informs the central nerve system and, as far as movement is regarded, the cerebellum.
    This system now can, if understood and well applied, influence the human posture and help diminish patients postural and foot problems or even resolve them. I know, because I did it twenty years! Very important is that this therapy, which we call podopostural therapy, is often needed for a certain period and not for lifetime
    Mechanic foot support than can be used when our subtle, exteroceptive system does not function anymore...

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