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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by jayne, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. jayne

    jayne Welcome New Poster

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    hello, i have just come across this forum and thought i would join as i have more time now! I have been in practice for 15yrs , the first 5yrs i just did domicillary. then bought 2 practices from a retiring chiropodist. These are in south yorks. and west yorks. I worked both practices my self doing two days at each a week and alternate saturdays. At the same time i was a single mum with 5 kids! the youngest was 2mths old. she is now 12yrs. 7yrs ago i remarried and my husband from devon trained to be a fhp. He now runs one of the surgerys and mobile. I increased the days at the other one and then opened one day a week in the town we live in, but just rent a room. My son has just become a fhp. After alot of thought and many bottles of wine! I have decided to pass the practice on to my son, for a reduced rate of cause! over 2yrs.He is willing to work 5 days a week, there is enough work! My mum is now his receptionist.
    Why.... i had burnt my self out.
    No time to study as im hpc reg.
    missing my daughter growing up.
    sick of travelling 20miles aday.
    feel i want to be at home more.
    Still got 1 days work aweek at home would like 3 shorter days. WAT HAVE I DONE!!!
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