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Jeff Root's Rules of Debate

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by drsha, Aug 20, 2010.

  1. We'd split up due to "musical differences" within minutes.
  2. Even though my "rock star" days are over, I am still happy to grab the mike and sing some good ol' rock n' roll when given the opportunity. We still have 10 months to work on the details for the "real entertainment" for BSS 2011.:drinks
  3. It may be presumptuous to make requests...

    But a live debate between Ed and Dennis arguing the vaulting concept and Kevin and Simon arguing tissue stress / Physics approach would be a thing of magnificence and beauty.
  4. Robert - you seriously need help.
  5. drsha

    drsha Banned

  6. Dennis - you're past help. Long way past.
  7. drsha

    drsha Banned

    Jeff's Rule # 7
    Dishonest intellectual Debating

    False Expert Opinion

    Keep to the thread.

    Dr Sha
  8. You misunderstand me dennis. I mean you and ed vs Simon and kevin.
  9. drsha

    drsha Banned

    If we include something clinical,

    A workshop or a "cookoff", I'm so in.

    It sounds like a great idea and a great forum.

    I'm taking my clown suit out of the closet.

    In return, is there someone who would like to present "the tissue stress theory and biomechanics EBM" at one of my conferences in USA maybe in the spring or next summer 2011? I'm so in diapers. (#4).

    Dr Sha
  10. Pay for my flights dennis and I am SO there. :cool:
  11. efuller

    efuller MVP

    Sure Dennis. A minimalist presentation of the tissue stress approach would take about 3 hours. The time for debate between paradigms could be shortened if you would provide information on your paradigm. What anatomical structures make up the vault of the foot. What changes do you make in the shape of the orthotic based on foot types, and why?

  12. drsha

    drsha Banned



    Right after I get my invite, I'll give you yours.

    and If no invite, I'll try my best to pay your flight.

    Dr Sha
  13. drsha

    drsha Banned

    I have answered your questions and these answers also appear in print.

    Obviously, you need more details and foundational knowledge in foot centering and functional foot type that can't be satisfied on this forum.

    Perhaps one day we will meet and be able to have a discussion where I can demonstrate since I don't have enough evidence to even get you to examine my work. Jeff Rules #22

    you calmly state, after I offer to involve someone in a conference to begin to understand tissue stress theory at its source that:
    A minimalist presentation of the tissue stress approach would take about 3 hours.

    Seems rather Biased. Jeff Rules #4

    Dr Sha
  14. efuller

    efuller MVP

    Where? Your reputation on the arena would improve if you could provide a link. It would take about the same time to answer the question as it does to say that you already answered it.

    What anatomical structures make up the vault of the foot.

    What changes do you make in the shape of the orthotic based on foot types, and why?

  15. efuller

    efuller MVP

    How long does take to explain centering to someone who has never seen it before?

  16. efuller

    efuller MVP

    #22 rejecting logic or facts and stating that they are opinion. Dennis this does not apply. I am trying to examine your work, but you either have not done the work or are refusing to tell it to me. How can I examine it if you don't answer the questions?

  17. drsha

    drsha Banned

    Asked and answered.

    For the moment, my reputation on The Arena is well founded and based on my postings and my inability to provide evidence for my paradigm. That fact keeps me here to learn and grow.

    Further attempts to answer your internet questions, although I try to provide them will not change the facts or your biased opinions. But Time is my friend.

    1. Please list for me the articles, websites and available materialon Foot Centering and Functional Foot Typing ( a google search away ) that you have read in attempting to answer your questions since they are so basic and reveal a lack of research on your part.

    Dr Sha
  18. drsha

    drsha Banned

    Sure Eric: A minimalist presentation of the tissue stress er I mean The Foot Centering and Functional Foot Typing approach would take about 3 hours.

    Dr Sha
  19. drsha

    drsha Banned

    Perhaps you see my excitment about Jeff Root's Rules.

    They work in all directions.

    I postscripted my posting with #22 admitting that the material rejected logic or facts and that they were my opinion.

    This allows a reader to weigh them at the EBP level they were meant and reduces they thought that I am saying these things from a Level I based position.

    If Kevin (and the rest of you) did the same thing, how much of his (your) posting (s) would be #22 as well?

    Dr Sha

    PS: My IT person fixed my laptop problem days ago and thanks to all the advice I got from The Arena in helping me repair.


    I am not using color, Bold, etc. as per Dr. Roots valid criticism.

    "Its a New Day"
    we all know who penned that.
  20. efuller

    efuller MVP

    Dennis, I'm not asking for evidence for your paradigm. I'm asking you to explain the logic behind it.

    Dennis is it your goal to convince us that there is something to your paradigm. If it is, why do you ask what I've read about your paradigm. You are trying to prove that I haven't examined it rather than convince me that there is something there.
    I've examined the patent document that was posted on the arena. From that document I developed the following questions.

    What anatomical structures make up the vault of the foot.

    What changes do you make in the shape of the orthotic based on foot types, and why?

    Dennis, give me a reason to examine the paradigm further. Remember, you are trying to convince me that there is something to the paradigm. You run a lab where casts come in every day. What are the lab techs supposed to do differently when they see one foot type versus another. You could post the instructions that you give the lab techs.

    What would you tell me in person that you are unwilling/ unable to write on the internet?

  21. drsha

    drsha Banned

    The Vault question has been answered repeatedly (even recently).

    As to the foot type casting.

    (1) [0065]Rigid Rearfoot Types: Utilize standard "Root" neutral casting technique. [0066]Stable Rearfoot Types: Utilize Serm-Perm Balancing and Rearfoot vault enhancement techniques. [0067]Flexible Rearfoot Types: Utilize Serm-Perm Balancing and Rearfoot vault enhancement techniques. [0068]Flat Rearfoot Types: Utilize standard "Root" casting technique.(2) [0069]Apply the lateral longitudinal arch correction technique to all casts, regardless of functional foot type.(3) [0070]Rigid Forefoot Types: Utilize standard "Root" casting technique. [0071]Stable Forefoot Types: Utilize Forefoot Vault Enhancement technique. [0072]Flexible Forefoot Types: Utilize Forefoot Vault Enhancement technique. [0073]Flat Forefoot Types: Utilize standard "Root" technique.(4) [0074]Utilize Hammertoe Correction technique for all casts, regardless of functional foot type.

    from The Arena pages!!! (boy do I want to make this bold and red!)


    I don't want to convince you of anything.
    I could care less.

    I could care less if you do, did or didn't review my work.

    You are a pea on my priority pyramid.

    and I ask that you don't be insulted as I stop responding to your posts lest you believe that I was trying to convince you of something or prove something that relates to you.

    Dr Sha
  22. efuller

    efuller MVP

    I asked the questions:

    Dennis, all you have to do is name a couple of bones/ ligaments. Surely that is less work and less contentious than repeatedly saying that you answered a question that you did not answer. You could prove me wrong by pointing out where you answered it.

    Now there's an answer. Thank you. Would you be so kind as to explain it. What do you do to a cast when you:

    "Utilize Serm-Perm Balancing and Rearfoot vault enhancement techniques. "
    "Utilize Forefoot Vault Enhancement technique. "

    And why do you use these techniques for different foot types.

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