< Talar head congruence method of finding STJ neutral | Joint Axis Location and Rotational Equilibrium Theory >
  1. WelshPod Member

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    Hi everyone!
    I am a second year pod student at UWIC and have a research design to write. I am looking to write mine on the success of the use of orthoses for recurrent lateral ankle sprains. I plan to do a randomised control trial so am looking for a placebo insole to use as a control and an orthotic to control the extra movement to pronate the foot more. I have some ideas but would appreciate some other views!

  2. Griff Moderator

    Randomised controlled trial for an undergraduate dissertation?? You won't have the time to do this surely?

    There is no such thing as a placebo insole/orthosis.
  3. :welcome: to the Arena !!!

    Ians point about Placebo orthotics is a very important one. We discussed it a little while ago Ill try and find the thread for you.
  4. WelshPod Member

    It is not a dissertation it is another essay and i was looking for something to use that one group of patients can be offered to use as a control. It does not necassarily need to do anything in particular, just so patients are unable to differentiate as to which group they are in. Thanks
  5. WelshPod Member

    m weber
    Thank you for the notice about the thread on placebo orthoses. i have found it and reading it now!
  6. For those reading here the thread Foot Orthoses -placebo
  7. efuller MVP

    You could assess design variables instead of placebo. For example you could give one set of patients a forefoot valgus intrinsic post and another no intrinsic post. You would have to ignore forefoot to rearfoot relationship to do this and cast everyone so that they all have a perpendicular forefoot to rearfoot relationship. My sense is some labs ignore the heel bisection anyway. (No evidence just a feeling.)

    There is more than one cause of lateral ankle instability. Delayed peroneal reaction time can also cause instability. A laterally positioned STJ axis can be another cause of ankle instability. Folks with sinus tarsi syndrome get delayed peroneal reaction times. Sinus tarsi syndrome is often caused by the foot being maximally pronated with a high pronation moment from the ground.

    You shouldn't give intrinsic forefoot valgus posts to people who cannot evert their lateral column off of the ground because they have no range of motion in that direction. Let me know if you want to explain that more.

< Talar head congruence method of finding STJ neutral | Joint Axis Location and Rotational Equilibrium Theory >

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