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  1. David Smith Well-Known Member

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    Dear All

    In a recent issue of Strider, the journal of the Long Distance Walkers Association. UK I found this article entitled 'Leaning over Sideways Syndrome'. Observations of walkers after a 100 mile walk (Attached as PDF) Any takers as to an explanation of this phenomenon.

    Put me in mind of how drunks tend to walk.

    Cheers Dave

    Attached Files:

  2. Chris Kemp Member

    Dear David,

    Imbalance in the load carried by the walker may be one factor to consider. I have observed that walkers carrying shopping bags (in the high street, not the hills) sometimes abduct the foot in mid stance on the unloaded side more than the loaded side and lean towards the unloaded side.

    It is not unreasonable to hypothesise that the same mechanism could be at play carrying a rucksack.

    Kind regards,

  3. musmed Active Member

    Dear David

    A very common finding when one examines people is a short quadratus lumborum on one side and a short psoas on the other with inhibited guteal muscles on the side of the Quadratus lumborum.

    As the person continues to walk this vast distance the inhibited gluteal muscles need help. In the swing phase the gluteal weakness say on the right side, places the left tibialis anterior at risk of failure.
    To assist the gluteals in hip lifting for the swing phase, the quadratus shortens and by side bending they can use their torso to help lift their hip.

    As the walk progresses the quadratus shortens even more so they get to the stage where they cannot stand up straight.

    Happy walking

  4. Dave:

    Fatigue is a well known factor in endurance events and will significantly affect motor performance, even though the physiology or biochemistry of "fatigue" it is not completely understood. My guess is that either central nervous system fatigue, local muscular fatigue and/or guarding to change painful trunk posture is to blame for this "leaning over sideways syndrome".

    Maybe we should be asking why they aren't 90 degrees from the vertical position, rather than a few degrees from the vertical position, after walking for 100 miles?:cool:
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  5. efuller MVP

    Hi Dave,
    I'd agree with Kevin. Pain avoidance is an important determinate of gait. The first research question I would ask of these people is "how come your'e walking like that?" The second question would be "does anything hurt when you try to stand up straight."

  6. Aussie_Bec Member

    How about looking at the start of the race? Is the 'leaning over sideways' a result of the 100 or a natural tendency to do so?

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