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Senior clinical podiatrist and student development lead

Discussion in 'Employment in Australia' started by psridley7, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. psridley7

    psridley7 Active Member

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    A great opportunity to do something different for a great service in a lovely location.

    Chance to develop your very own role as a student development lead

    Great team role in a vibrant town close to Melbourne
    A challenging role with the autonomy to develop as you see fit

    Podiatrist required in a community health team to take on a new role as a student development lead, read on for a detailed description or call me.

    About the company

    The health service began offering a Podiatry service nearly 2 years ago and the demand has risen, you will join an already established MDT with dieticians, social workers, physios and nursing staff. You will work out of a clinic room with sterilisation done just behind the community centre. You will also have access to a small private office. As you drive up to the service you will enjoy the beautiful building and the green surrounds situated just at the top of the hill overlooking a park and pond area.

    About the role

    This is a dual role, working as the senior podiatrist and student development lead. On a daily basis the Podiatrist in-post will be required to provide high quality care to a diverse range of client groups and work cooperatively and effectively as part of the Primary Care team as well as developing a strategy for engaging and supervising podiatry students. The Podiatrist should be capable delivering a high quality podiatry service to adults and children and develop programs and activities to maintain and improve foot health in the community, in association with the diabetes educator, physiotherapist and other allied health staff as appropriate. This role will suit a grade 2 or grade 3 and the opportunity is there to start something new. The current CEO wants to establish a link with universities and bring in students; you will be the key decision maker in the process and establish the strategy which will bring this to fruition.


    • Outreach twice a fortnight using fleet cars
    • Aged care work in nursing homes (contracts need re-visiting)
    • Community based podiatry
    • Nail surgery
    • Large diabetic caseload
    • Chance to re-establish a contract for podiatry with the local prison
    • General Podiatry caseload, mostly high risk, nail cutting done by Nurse in aged care

    Skills and Experience

    • Bachelor of Applied Science (Podiatry)
    • AHPRA
    • Registration with the Podiatry Board
    • Community Health Service experience
    • Diabetes Education
    • High risk patients
    • Chronic disease
    • MDT
    • Grade 2 or Grade 3
    • Experience or knowledge relating to Universities and student placements
    • Networking skills


    You will work with a sociable team in a beautiful area of Victoria close to the mountains. If you enjoy the outdoors this is for you, cycling and rock climbing are popular weekend activities. It is only an hour to the coast and only 2 hours to Melbourne. You can visit Halls Gap of a weekend riding next to the rivers and enjoying the scenery and abundant wildlife. The successful Podiatrist will also get the opportunity to build something from the ground up with a balance of support and autonomy. You will also have access to great facilities available in the attached education centre making it an attractive placement for students.


    • Chance to finally make a role your own
    • Serious career opportunity
    • Great team who will value your input
    • Relaxed country lifestyle
    • Great outdoor life
    • Café on site
    • Acute hospital attached
    • No huge amounts of nursing home work
    • No private podiatry competitors

    How to apply

    Contact Paul Ridley, Specialist Podiatry and Speech Pathology Consultant, +61 03 9223 7554 for a confidential discussion or email paul.s.ridley@reedglobal.com directly.

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